eLC Monthly Recommendation. June 2017.

30 June, 2017

eLC’s June recommendation focuses specially on resources for teachers such as content development and engagement tips. We do also keep an eye on ludification and VR trends on education and the way some human learning behavioral patterns have been tracked through interactions with Machine Learning. It has been also of our interest to look over some debates about the way technology is shaping the future of learning and the concept of instructional design.


Pedagogy, Instructional Design and educational policies


• Digital Pedagogy Lab May 23, 2017

The Pretense of neutrality: Twitter, Digital Literacy,and first-year writing

# Digital Literacy, Social Networks, Twitter, Politicization of Education, Civic Awareness, Crititical Pedagogy.


• EdTech K-12 May 30, 2017

4 Ways Technology Is Shaping the Future of Grading

# Evaluation, Grading, EdTech, Feedback, Instructional Design, Assessment. Instructional Design related to ICTs.


 • Elucidat Blog  June 14, 2017

If instructional design is dead, what fills the void?

# Instructional Design, eLearning, Digital Learning Design, Performance Support, Personalization, Data Driving, Design Thinking, Collaboration.


 Gamification, Virtual Reality 


• Ei Design. Energising Learning  May 22, 2017

3 Killer Examples On How You Can Use Microlearning, Gamification, And Social Learning To Engage Millennials In The Workplace

# Microlearning, Gamification, Social Learning, Workplace, Gaming, Serious Games, EdTech.


• Adobe eLearning Community  May 25, 2017

What do eLearning Experts have to say about Gamification?

# eLearning, Gamification, Instructional Design, Gaming, Serious Games, EdTech.


• Virtual Reality Reality Brief June 6, 2017

Virtual Reality in Education in 2017 Infographic

# eLearning, Gamification, Instructional Design, Gaming, EdTech.

• eLearning Industry June 10, 2017

5 eLearning Gamification Strategies You Can Try In 2017

# eLearning, Funny Learning, Gamification, Instructional Design, Gaming, Personalized Learning, Serious Games, EdTech.


Resources for teachers

• E-Learning Heroes 

Transform Infographics Into Interactive Graphics #12

# Instructional Design, Graphic Design, Educational Contents.


•The rapid E-Learning Blog by Tom Kuhlman June 20th, 2017

Essentials of Interactive E-Learning

# Instructional Design, Educational Contents, e-Learning, Course Design.


• eLearning Industry June 26, 2017 

Top 47 Tips For Successful Custom eLearning Content Development

# Instructional Design, Educational Contents, Pedagogy, Discussion Forums, Learning Objectives.


eCampus News June 30, 2017

6 inspiring must-see higher-ed TED Talks

# Instructional Design, Pedagogy, Machine Learning, AI, Future Landscapes, HEI.


Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


 • InformED April 19, 2017

What Machine Learning Is Teaching Us About Human Learning

# Machine Learning, Education, Instrucional Design, Pedagogy, Cognitive Learning.

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About the author
Desirée Rosa Gómez Cardosa
Educational innovation specialist in the Teaching and Learning Analysis team of the eLearning Innovation Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her speciality is the spotting and analysis of educational trends, innovation and technology in the Observatory of Educational Trends and Innovation of the eLinC. She holds a BA and MA in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona and a Postgraduate Degree in e-learning Management from the UOC.
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