eLC Monthly Recommendation. March 2017.

31 March, 2017

The eLC monthly recommendation is a compilation of several e-Learning and ICT experts articles. On the current issue we will take a look over some of the latest Instructional Design and Educational skills such as the use of Gamification in teacher development, some tips to reduce cognitive load, Educational Technology and the importance of applying technology to education (and no the other way around) and the changing educational landscape.

We have also focused our attention on some future technological trends such as the Anticipatory Design applied to the Personalized Experiences, eLearning trends, Machine Learning and the AI developments which hope to help in the dehumanized programmatic issues. It is important also to highlight the shift towards a more Project Based Learning around IoT, 4IR technologies and the adaptation of school curriculums together with the transformation of education through EdTech

To end the montlhy recommendation, we have selected a pair of articles regarding Higher Education Institutions: Bryan Alexander review on NMC Horizon Report and University World News’ one on GUNi‘s sixth Higher Education in the World report.


Instructional Design and Educational skills

The Tech Edvocate January 19, 2017

Using Gamification in teacher professional development 

# Gamification, Teacher Training, Instructional Design, Teacher development

The eLearning coach. Connie Malamed February 2017 (?)

Six Strategies You May Not Be Using To Reduce Cognitive Load

# Collaborative Learning, Learning Strategies, Writing, Instructional Design, Cognitive Load

The @DavidGeurin Blog February 5, 2017

9 Essential #EdTech Ideas to Share With Your Team

# Change, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Digital Leadership, EdTech, Empowerment, Future, Innovation, Leadership, Pedagogy, Technology, Twitter

University World News February 17, 2017

Changing times, challenging university structures

# HEI, New Pedagogies, Paradigm Shift, ICT, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Digital Literacy, Employability

Future Technological trends

UX Design.cc  February 14, 2017

Why Less Choice is a Better Choice. Designing to preempt a user’s every want and need

# Anticipatory Design, Personalized Experiences, Contextual Algorithms

eLearning Art February 23, 2017

9 Top eLearning Trends from 49 experts 

# Mobile, Micro-learning, Video, Gamification, AI, Virtual Reality

Campaign March 03, 2017

When programmatic meets artificial intelligence… the future begins

# Machine Learning, Programmatic Marketing

Nesta March 03, 2017

Who’ll win from the fourth industrial revolution?

# 4IR, Anticipatory Design, Engagement, Innovation, HEI, School Curriculums, Metrics, Social Impact  

The Edvocate March 30, 2017

Is EdTech Really Transforming Education?

# EdTech, Innovation, Education, Higher Education, Accessibility 

HEI News

Bryan Alexander. Futurist, educator, speaker, writer February 15, 2017

The new NMC Horizon Report for higher education is out

# NMC, NMC Horizon Report, Bryan Alexander

University World News March 17, 2017

Universities must address local and global challenges

# Sustainable Society, Global Competitiveness, HEI, Research, EdTech


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About the author
Desirée Rosa Gómez Cardosa
Educational innovation specialist in the Teaching and Learning Analysis team of the eLearning Innovation Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her speciality is the spotting and analysis of educational trends, innovation and technology in the Observatory of Educational Trends and Innovation of the eLinC. She holds a BA and MA in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona and a Postgraduate Degree in e-learning Management from the UOC.
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