Weekly Tweet Selection. 13rd – 17th March 2017.

17 March, 2017

 Monday, 13 March

How to best implement technology in your team.

The unprecedented transformation of learning and teaching process thanks to EdTech and AI.

 Tuesday, 14 March

DTransform Leadership School hosted by the UOC.

Flipping Bloom’s Taxonomy to achieve a deeper learning.

 Wednesday, 15 March

New student developments on Virtual Reality.

Top 10 reasons to use Virtual Reality in the classroom.

Indicators on the use of mLearning.

Thursday, 16 March

The UOC library management of learning resources presented to University of Cardiff staff.

Friday, 17 March

Infographic reflecting the idea of how to make a good use of Gamification on learning.

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About the author
Desirée Rosa Gómez Cardosa
Educational innovation specialist in the Teaching and Learning Analysis team of the eLearning Innovation Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her speciality is the spotting and analysis of educational trends, innovation and technology in the Observatory of Educational Trends and Innovation of the eLinC. She holds a BA and MA in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona and a Postgraduate Degree in e-learning Management from the UOC.
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