Weekly Tweet Selection. 29th May – 2nd June

2 June, 2017

On this weekly Twitter selection, we highlight Wednesday 31 celebration of the UOC Research Showcase 2017, held in CosmoCaixa in Barcelona. The event aims to foster collaboration among the University’s R&I professionals by improving the visibility of the current research and projects. This showcase raises awareness of the progress of the University’s research, development and innovation activities among its community. In a university-wide call for proposals the Research and Innovation Scientific Committee selected 21 research and innovation projects to be presented. The selection criteria focused on scientific quality and interdisciplinarity. The Research Showcase 2017 regards on the diversity of research areas the UOC is active inand has been chaired by the UOC President, Josep A. Planell, and the UOC Vice President for Strategic Planning and Research, Marta Aymerich.

Two presentations have been awarded (one selected by the organization and the other voted by the audience). The prizes consisted of two research funds endowed with 1,000 euros each, to be spent during 2017. In the afternoon there was a round-table discussion open to the general public entitled Open Access to Research Outputs.

The other selected tweets focus on assistive and educational technology, learning personalization, creative apps, Twitter and its relation with education and a review of Schone’s “Engaging Interactions For eLearning”.

Monday, 29 May

• The paper of assistive technology in transforming special education.

• Virtual Science Labs. High schools and colleges are turning to virtual labs to help replace and improve this typical lab experience.

Tuesday, 30 May

• On the paper of educational technology and educational research.

• An overview of the rise of chatbots. (Click here to see the full images of the infographic).

Wednesday, 31 May

• The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya has celebrated the 4th UOC Research Showcase.

 One of the UOC Research Showcase tracks was about the Open Access movement at the UOC.

• Our colleagues from the eLearn Center Núria Molas and Marc Fuertes ready for their presentations at the UOC Research Showcase:

·Student’s Perceptions in the Use of Novelettes as a Learning Material in Criminology Studies, by Núria Molas, eLearn Center specialist.

·Learning Analytics in Higher Education. The Design and Assessment of a Teaching Dashboard, by Marc Fuertes, eLearn Center specialist.

View the full parallel sessions schedule.

• A selection of apps to help creative processes through technology.

Thursday, 1 June

• Tweet about the Storify of the “Open Access to Research Outputs” Round Table at the UOC Research Showcase.

 • Why Personalized Instruction Can Lead to Powerful Learning Experiences


Friday, 2 June 

 • Summary of the UOC Research Showcase 2017.

 An immersion inside Digital Literacy, social networks such as Twitter, the politicization of Education, civic awareness, crititical Pedagogy and other topics regarding

 Twitter tips for educators.

 A Review About Schone’s Engaging Interactions For eLearning.

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About the author
Desirée Rosa Gómez Cardosa
Educational innovation specialist in the Teaching and Learning Analysis team of the eLearning Innovation Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her speciality is the spotting and analysis of educational trends, innovation and technology in the Observatory of Educational Trends and Innovation of the eLinC. She holds a BA and MA in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona and a Postgraduate Degree in e-learning Management from the UOC.
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