eLC Monthly Recommendation. April 2017.

28 April, 2017

The eLC monthly recommendation is a compilation of several e-Learning and ICT experts articles. This current issue regards to changes in the e-Learning landscape, how automation can keep students on task and the motivations of learners. The experiences of e-Learning world professionals are capital so we include a blog recommendation. With regard to innovation, we highlight a pair of informations about disruption on Digital Learning and trends in EdTech, technological advances for teachers and a final approach to Data Science with articles about Big Data, Data lakes and some Learning Analytics insights.


eLearning trends and innovation

• Sh!ft. Disruptive eLearning,  March 30, 2017

eLearning Evolution – The 3 Biggest Changes in 5 Years and How to Adapt to Them for Success

# Learning modules, Video-on-demand, virtual reality, ICT, Adaptive Learning, AI, Microlearning.

EdSurge, April 14, 2017

George Siemens Asks: Can Mixing Automation and a Human Touch Keep Students ‘On Task’?

      # HEI, Teacher Feedback, ICT, AI, Communication, Automatation, Personalization,

EdTech, Data.

Instructional Design and Educational skills

• Learn. Show. Repeat. By Matt Guyan February 19, 2017

10 Blogs Every eLearning Professional Should Read

# HEI, New Pedagogies, Paradigm Shift, ICT, Creativity, Teacher Training, Instructional Design, Teacher development.

• eLearning Industry April 4, 2017

Tips And Strategies To Motivate Learners Appropriately

# Engagement, Motivation Strategies, HEI, New Pedagogies, WIIFM, Teacher Training, Instructional Design.

Josh Bersin. Insights on Corporate Talent, Learning, Leadership, and HR Technology, March 27, 2017

The Disruption of Digital Learning: Ten Things We Have Learned

# Digital Learning, eLearning, Instructional Design, Experience Design, Learning Tools, EdTech, Corporate Training, LMS, X-API, Micro and Macro Learning.


eSchool News, January 2, 2017

15 hot edtech trends for 2017

# EdTech, Technology, Instructional Design, Educational Tools, eLearning, Digital Collaboration, Employability Skills, Data, Learning Disabilities.

eLearning Infographics, January 14, 2017

The State of Technology in Education Infographic

# EdTech, Technology, Instructional Design, Educational Tools, State of Technology in Education Report.

The Edvocate, April 12, 2017

10 Ways Edtech Tools Can Change The Way You Teach

Course Content, Learning Environment, EdTech, Education Tools, Innovative Teaching, ICT.


The Evolllution. A Destiny Solutions Illumination.  March 16, 2017

Learning Analytics: Coming Out From Behind the Curtains

# Learning Analytics, Big Data, Analytics, EdTech, Digital Behavior, Digital Learning Environements, Learning Research for Higer Education, PII (Personally Identifiable Information) Protection, Data Collection.

HC Online, April 27, 2017

Big data and the future of learning

# Big Data, Learning Analytics,  Smart Data, eLearning, Learning and Development.

i-SCOOP, 2017

Data lakes and big data analytics: the what, why and how of data lakes

# Big Data, Learning Analytics, Internet of Things, IoT, Data Lakes, Smart Data, Big Data Analytics.

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About the author
Desirée Rosa Gómez Cardosa
Educational innovation specialist in the Teaching and Learning Analysis team of the eLearning Innovation Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her speciality is the spotting and analysis of educational trends, innovation and technology in the Observatory of Educational Trends and Innovation of the eLinC. She holds a BA and MA in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona and a Postgraduate Degree in e-learning Management from the UOC.
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