Journal publication

Journal publication

Una Revisión Sistemática del Juego Digital y el Aprendizaje basado en Juegos en la Educación Infantil

The number of studies on digital play and digital game-based learning in early childhood education has increased since we had to adapt massively to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 (Behnamnia, 2022). The concept of ‘digital play’ appeared when contemporary play (Edwards, 2018) such as object play (with toys and dolls), constructions (building blocks) and ‘pretend play’ (role play, such as playing astronauts or nurses) is integrated and/or mediated with digital technology, through the use of mobile phones, computers, tablets and cameras (Edwards, 2018). On the other hand, ‘digital game-based learning’ is known as a pedagogical approach that brings educational content to games and/or video games to increase student participation and engagement (Peirce, 2013).

Journal publication

Feeling unsafe as a source of psychological distress in early adolescence

The present study explores the consequences of a specific stressor (feeling unsafe) and asks whether social support can act as a moderator in the association between subjective unsafety and psychological distress.

Journal publication

Improving the Interaction Design of Apps for Children with Special Educational Needs

This research focuses on finding criteria of interactive design of mobile Apps aimed at young children with functional diversity. The methodology analyses a sample of 55 apps, rated as good or very good by independent international classifications, designed to attend different special educational needs.

Journal publication

Emotions, private speech, involvement and other aspects of young children’s interactions with educational apps

The study offers an operational definition of children’s interactions with digital devices in educational contexts that could support the future evidence-based design and an assessment of digital resources for effective game-based learning in early childhood.

Journal publication

Multimodal learning analytics research with young children: a systematic review

The purpose of this paper, which is a systematic literature review, is to provide guidance for Multimodal Learning Analytics research with children under 6 years old to assess their engagement in a task, their emotions, attention, understanding and achievement of a goal.

Journal publication

Cross-cultural nuances of the sources and consequences of subjective feelings of unsafety: a qualitative analysis in four cities

The research aims at analyzing the fear of crime and its consequences on social cohesion and informal social control. The study is based on data collected through a triangulation of qualitative techniques throughout eight neighborhoods of four European cities.

Journal publication

Safe and inclusive educational apps: Digital protection from an ethical and critical perspective

Through systematic observation of 200 apps within the Catalan sphere for children under 8 years, the results support a multidimensional conceptualisation of protection and also considers aspects related to the educational and inclusive potential of digital resources.

Journal publication

Desafios da pesquisa ativista em educação

A research project on human rights education in digital culture is presented, which has principles such as the role of the researcher as a transforming intellectual, the breaking of the subject-object distinction and the university-school approach.

Journal publication

Touch gesture performed by children under 3 years old when drawing and coloring on a tablet

The objective of this research is to study unstructured interactions of children under 3 with two apps that permit free drawing. Twenty-one participants aged 14 to 33 months, from Barcelona and London, were recorded playing with free drawing and coloring apps on a tablet using a non-invasive method.

Journal publication

Participatory design of a thematic questionnaire in the field of victimization studies

The paper introduces the results of a two-step process that led to the design of a new questionnaire in the field of victimization studies. A desk-based review of national Crime and Victimization Surveys from five EU and after that 12 experts were involved to design the new questionnaire.

Journal publication

Modelo teórico para el diseño y evaluación de la calidad en las apps infantiles (0-8 años)

The article presents a theoretical model for the construction of an effective rating system to determine the suitability for children of each educational application through an exploratory analysis of the selection criteria of the highest rated.

Journal publication

Análisis del diseño interactivo de las mejores apps educativas para niños de cero a ocho años

This article presents the results of a content analysis and adaptability to the child target, designed by four researchers, of the visual and interactive design characteristics of 100 educational applications recommended by international experts aimed at children between six months and eight years.

Journal publication

The role of iPads in pre-school children’s mark making development

This paper reports a comparative study of touch-based interaction using a tablet computer versus traditional physical paint and paper. Children aged 2–3 years engaged in a free finger painting activity and colouring in activity in both paper and digital environments.

Journal publication

The role of touch in preschool children’s learning using iPad versus paper interaction

This paper examines how finger painting processes might change in digital (iPad) versus physical (paper) learning environments. It draws on the observations of nursery school participants, from one and half to 3 years old using similar digital painting/drawing activities.

Journal publication

Como recoger datos audiovisuales en la investigación de campo con niños muy pequeños

In this proposal we show resources in support of research with very young children, designing a specific data collection process which technique has been particularly effective because children are free to move and act, without it interfering with the activities or quality of the data collected.

Journal publication

Relaciones afectivas, adolescencia y series de ficción

This article analyzes the representation and narrative development of the main sexual and affective relationships between the main characters of the series Sin tetas no hay paraíso, since the way of conceiving affective relationships develops on adolescence and may be related to gender violence.

Journal publication

Privacity, self-disclosure and images of Spanish teenagers through Social Networking Sites. The Fotolog case

This paper presents the results of a research study that analyzes the quantitative content of 355 entries on the social network Fotolog to determine the type of information shared by adolescents on the Web 2.0, intensity of use, the personal information disclosed and the representational strategies.

Journal publication

Girls on Fotolog: reproduction of gender stereotypes or identity play?

In this in-depth qualitative study looking at anonymous girls’ picture albums on Fotolog. The main goal is to gain insight into these girls’ self-representation strategies, looking at what kind of images they choose to upload and which of the gender displays found in mass media they incorporate.

Journal publication

La comprensión del niño telespectador: posibilidades y límites asociados a la edad

Systematic literature review to describing practices in recent Multimodal Learning Analytics and Learning Analytics research literature in order to identify tools and strategies useful for the assessment of the progress and behaviour of children under 6 years old in respect of their learning.