Child interacting with an iPad (header background image)
Focus on children-technology interaction

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Open calls!

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF-2024)

The ChildTech lab (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) is looking for candidates interested in an international postdoctoral fellowship within the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (HORIZON-MSCA-2024-PF-01-01). We are offering an MSCA post to study children’s behavior (emotional expression, private speech, active engagement, attention, achievements, etc.) in their playing and learning processes using advanced technology (artificial intelligence). We are looking for a highly competitive and motivated postdoctoral fellow with a background  in psychology, child-computer interaction, computer science or education technology with experience in applied research in the areas mentioned above. We offer support from a mentor at the Psychology and Educational faculty, and the opportunities to develop your research further and to promote transfer activities. Selected candidates will have access to training, seminaries and support from the International Projects Office.

Please note that the 2024 call for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships deadline is 11 September 2024.

More information

Collaborate with us!

As a the coordinator of an European or international project proposal

Our team has experience in preparing and participating in international projects. If you would like to discuss the possible involvement of the Child Tech Lab in European projects, please contact us by email indicating your affiliation, the project idea and the call ofthe  proposal.

As a visiting scholar

Currently we do not have funding for this type of collaboration. However, if you are interested in a research stay in the Child Tech Lab, please contact Dr Crescenzi-Lanna by email and indicate the type of research you wish to carry out, attaching your CV and the estimated period of the stay.

As a postdoctoral researcher

If you are an international student, you should contact specifying your interest in developing your research work in one of the Child Tech Lab lines. You can also consult postdoctoral fellowships such as those offered by the UOC and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

As a PhD student

If you are thinking of applying for a doctoral programme,  the first step is choosing the line of research you want to pursue. Dr. Crescenzi-Lanna participates in the Doctoral programme in Network and Information Technologies and the Doctoral programme in Education and ICT (e-learning). You can also apply for a scholarship or other pre-doctoral grants such as the AGAUR (FI) grant promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the FPU grant promoted by the Ministry of Universities.

As a college or master’s student (TFG or TFM)

If your intention is to develop a TFG or TFM within the framework of the Child Tech Lab, please send your CV and a brief ten-line summary so that we can consider your research proposal.

As a technician or lab manager 

We are not currently accepting applications for a lab manager. We will post further information announcing this position if it becomes available.

As a school director

If you are interested in signing up your school for future studies with children aged one to eight on development and learning processes, please send us an email indicating the country, school name, and email address in order to arrange a meeting. Thanks for your interest!

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