The role of touch in preschool children’s learning using iPad versus paper interaction



This paper aims at gaining insight into the link between media uses
and causes of gender violence and, specifically, at assessing whether SNS can promote this kind of violence or rather can contribute to eradicating it.

In this sense, we are interested in the role of representations and media practices in love socialisation processes. The study draws upon two fundamental ideas: on the one hand, the idea that some teenagers link attraction to violence, and that such a link promotes relationships in which violence may emerge (Valls, Puigvert & Duque, 2008), and on the other hand, the notion that sexual and affective relationships are based on attraction and processes of choice in which the kind of values that we internalise are informed by referents from the media (Gómez, 2004). Where do our ideas about love and attraction come from? How are they constructed and sustained? What do the media have to do with it?

Crescenzi-Lanna, L.; Jewitt, C. & Price S. (2014). The role of touch in preschool children’s learning using iPad versus paper interaction. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 37, pp. 86-95.

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Finger-painting on the iPad

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