Privacity, self-disclosure and images of Spanish teenagers through Social Networking Sites. The Fotolog case



This paper presents the results of a research study that analyzes the quantitative content of 355 entries on the social network Fotolog to determine the type of information shared by adolescents on the Web 2.0. The variables considered are related to intensity of use of the platform, the personal information disclosed, and the representational strategies used. The study concludes that Spanish adolescents strategically manage personal information and privacy. Adolescents sacrifice part of their privacy in exchange for the popularity and prestige they obtain as a result of being recognized by others in their idealized identity of themselves that they present.

Crescenzi-Lanna, L. (2020). Multimodal learning analytics research with young children: a systematic review. British Journal of Educational Technology. 51(5). pp. 1485-1504.

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