Child interacting with an iPad (header background image)
Focus on children-technology interaction

Research lines

Cognitive child development

Research line - Cognitive Child Development

We study in an interdisciplinary way the children’s interaction with technology and how this interaction is influenced by the age and developmental changes of the pupil, viewer, gamer and citizen. From the fields of psychology, education, child-computer interaction, gender studies and sociology, the questions we address are: how to improve interactive and digital content to make it age-appropriate? What should developers take into account to create safer products? How should families and educators be aided in selecting digital content? How technology can be used as an educational resource with young children? To answer these questions through observational studies, we analyzed the spontaneous interaction of young children with digital games (educational apps), recording verbal and non-verbal behavior to understand their cognitive processes better, such as problem-solving, attention and reasoning.

Social and emotional child development

Research line - Social and Emotional Development

We are interested in the developmental and learning process of children from one to five years of age during their childhood and also adolescence. We focus on the analysis of the children’s emotional expressions while using educational technology and the role of emotions in individual and collaborative play and learning activities. This aim implies also exploring the influence of emotions on cognitive funtions like reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making and attention. Additionally, we want to contribute to social transformation by studying the process of the affective development and socialization of children and young people from a gender perspective, preventing the perpetuation of stereotypes and gender violence. What perceptions and opinions do boys, girls and adolescents have about the technology that surrounds them? How do they represent themselves and how are they represented in social media and networks?

Innovative research methods

Research line - Innovative research methods

Child Tech Lab stands out for its commitment to finding new solutions to the challenges of applied social-science research in ordet to collect, code, process or visualize data in an efficient, ethical and non-intrusive way. We are interested in exploring innovative applications of advanced technology in mixed research designs with children, young people and vulnerable populations. By means of computer vision techniques, we are exploring new solutions for behavioral research in order to study cognitive, social, and emotional development with three- to five-year old children, their speech and learning achievements. We have developed a tool and a visualization solution to synchronize many video sources and perform a micro-multimodal analysis. Thanks to  international collaborations and a multidisciplinary approach with colleagues from the field of computer science, it was possible to automatically recognize the children’s emotional expression in each video frame, and also their attention to the learning task.

Ethics and gender issues in research

Research line - Ethic and Gender issues in research

In Child Tech we adopt an intersectional perspective in research. We are interested in promoting gender equality and coeducation and are concerned with data-protection practice in research with technology and children, adolescents and vulnerable participants. We have developed and continue to update an ethical protocol for research in natural contexts with young children. One of our goals is to explore children’ perspectives and opinions directly by finding ways to listen to their voices.

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