Vote for your favourite photo for the 2020 desktop calendar


Vote for your favourite photo for the 2020 desktop calendar

Here you have them, the 21 photos different members of staff have sent in for the competition titled The UOC in brief, to help put together the UOC desktop calendar for 2020. It was a[…]


Deadline extended: Photography competition for the 2020 desktop calendar!

The deadline for submitting photography competition proposals has been extended. It is now Sunday 24 November. (You can check the competition rules here.) We’re looking for images that explain what makes the UOC unique, elements[…]


We have already released ‘Shh, We’re Working: The Series’. What do you think of the first chapter?

Wednesday 20 November was the premiere screening of Shh, We’re Working: The Series. The first episode poses a topical question: should we be more digital? Speak your mind! To leave comments giving praise – everyone[…]


We have a new web series coming out. Remember the date: Wednesday 20 November at 8 am!

That’s right, November is movie month at the UOC. On Wednesday 20 November at 8 am you can watch the first episode of Shh, We’re Working: The Series in which we all have starring roles.[…]


Photography competition for the 2020 desktop calendar!

Just like last year, we’re running a photography competition to help put together our corporate desktop calendar – a co-created effort that we’ll all receive a copy of at the start of next year. For[…]


eHealth Center second anniversary!

By Imma Alberch The eHealth Center turned two on 27 June 2019. These past two years have been key to the start-up of the centre as a promoter of research, innovation and training in e-health[…]


Welcome for new staff, some of whom you may already know!

The president, the general manager and the vice president for teaching and learning welcome new members of UOC staff Fifteen of our colleagues were at Tibidabo for a welcome session hosted by the president, Josep[…]


Check out the photos from 2019’s coolest outings!

Acrobats, detectives, cops and robbers, watersports… Everyone had a great time on the outings! You can learn a lot of things while laughing and having fun. Team-building activities have a range of aims including improving[…]


Spot your UOC colleagues in Haifa’s Changemakers promo videos

A few weeks back we recounted the experiences of volunteers who showed Haifa around the UOC in July. Haifa, a high-flying vlogger, was here to make a video explaining the UOC’s impact on society, as[…]


Remember Ernest Shackleton’s invitation for members of the UOC to join him a few months ago? We have news about the expedition!

When Ernest Shackleton sent a message inviting us to join him on a mystery adventure back in December 2018, we had no idea what might be in store for the crew members who were bold[…]