We have a new web series coming out. Remember the date: Wednesday 20 November at 8 am!


That’s right, November is movie month at the UOC. On Wednesday 20 November at 8 am you can watch the first episode of Shh, We’re Working: The Series in which we all have starring roles. And we mean that quite literally, because the actors and extras are all UOC staff members. In fact you’ll already know some of them from A series of values, our first web series.

And if you haven’t yet been able to get in on the act, this is your chance, because this year we’re introducing an interactive format, so you can choose your own ending.

Three work areas, three episodes, one goal

The series consists of three episodes, each one a parody of how we work today, shining a spotlight on what we want to improve as an organization to be more efficient, more sustainable and more environmentally responsible.

Each episode features one of the three areas of action identified by the sub-plan 0104 working group (Culture and organization) under the UOC’s Strategic Plan 2017-2020. The three areas of action are: digitalization, work habits and well-being.

You can discover them every seven days, from now until December 4.

All the videos on a single website

Once all the episodes have aired you can find them in the “repository” on the project website. There you’ll find all the related material: the videos we received when we put out the call for the leads, photos of the auditions and the shoot and, later on, the making of. In the meantime, to whet your appetite, check out the promotional video.

In good hands, as always

The series was put together by professional scriptwriters from the Alça Manela team, who work on TV3’s Polònia, and production company Los veintiocho films, who made it possible, with the invaluable collaboration of the UOC Audiovisuals team.

Thank you all!

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