

Over 250 people have now signed up to the internal communications channel on Telegram. Follow us!

We know you use your phone to stay up-to-date with everything going on in the world. You browse the news, articles and social media. So how come you’re not following us on Telegram yet? The[…]


#GenderUOC 2020: continuing our work towards equality at the UOC

Once again we’ve marked International Women’s Day by holding our #GenderUOC event, which was attended by around 70 people. Pastora Martínez, Vice President for Globalization and Cooperation, gave a presentation on the progress that has[…]


Forging links and synergies within the UOC community

The deputy deans of emerging programmes from the UOC’s seven faculties, the director and staff from the Network of UOC Centres and Vice President for Competitiveness and Employability Àngels Fitó recently met at the UOC’s[…]


New UOC staff. Do you know them? Read on to find out more!

Fourteen new members of staff attended the monthly welcome session held on Monday 24 February in the office of President Josep A. Planell, with General Manager Antoni Cahner and Vice President for Teaching and Learning Carles Sigalés. These[…]


1,200 xocolatades to fight childhood cancer: let’s meet the challenge!

Did you know that currently some 20% of children with cancer lose their fight against this disease? And that the 80% who are cured sometimes have to live with serious after-effects? It’s hard to take[…]


8 March is approaching and the work on #GenderUOC continues. Why not join us?

It’s coming up to a year since the last event. Do you remember? Nearly 200 members of the UOC community came together for #GenderUOC. The event marked the start of the work on the University’s[…]


UNIRUN 2020: registration now open!

UOC runners, it’s here! Sunday 1 March sees the sixth UNIRUN, the Catalan universities fun run. Get your running shoes on and register – participation is open to everyone: UOC staff, faculty, university students, alumni,[…]


Stay safe online – learn how!

The internet is a big part of our lives: for work, for communicating and keeping in touch, for shopping, for studies and, of course, for our free time. Who can get by without the internet?[…]


Want to win a Polaroid Zip instant mobile photoprinter?

There’s good news if you’re into photography: a chance to win a Polaroid Zip instant mobile photoprinter! What do you have to do? It’s quite simple: just enter the photography competition organized by the UOC[…]


Are you missing out?

Sport isn’t male or female, it’s just sport. That’s why we’d encourage you to take part in the #ThoEstàsPerdent campaign. It aims to raise the profile of women’s sports in the media because, as its[…]