

Seven interesting titbits about the month of February

Now that the history-making bad weather brought on by storm Gloria has cleared, people are stepping outside to enjoy the sunny weather of these first few days of February. But the temperatures are normally quite[…]


Have you met them yet? These are the latest people to join the UOC!

Eleven new members of staff attended the monthly welcome session held on Monday 27 January in the office of President Josep A. Planell, with General Manager Antoni Cahner and Vice President for Teaching and Learning[…]


First-hand accounts of the UOC’s refugee welcome programme

The UOC has been awarding scholarships to refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons since 2017. Organizations such as ACCEM, CEAR (Spanish Commission for Refugees), the Spanish Red Cross and SAIER (Barcelona City Council Care Service[…]


Video report from this year’s Christmas chocolate do, a UOC tradition!

Chocolate, cookies, savoiardos and smiles were all in plentiful supply as we brought the UOC’s 2019 to a close and looked forward to 2020. The celebrations took place on 16, 17 and 19 December at[…]


The Call Centre staff collect 80 kg of food during the last stretch of 2019 Congratulations!

For the last stretch of 2019 Laia Cassi and Ana Gallego, from the Call Centre operations team, had a brilliant idea. An idea that would bring a smile and much more to more than one[…]


Highlights from the launch of our interactive web series

Whether you were one of the web series’ stars, one of those who left complimentary comments for the cast, or just a regular viewer, you’re sure to have enjoyed the launch of the series with[…]


UOC General Manager Cahner leads 2nd part of the institutional induction process for new staff

This November we welcomed the new staff members who had received long-term or open-ended contracts to work at the UOC. On Wednesday 27 November, from 9:30 am to 12 noon, around 30 new members of[…]


We have the thirteen winning photos for the UOC’s 2020 desktop calendar!

We received 21 photos. A total of 203 people voted, and we gave out 26 theatre tickets as prizes for the 13 winners. Check out the results!  The 2020 calendar is beginning to take shape:[…]


A video report and photos are now available from the AfterUOC 2019 event held at the former Damm brewery in Barcelona

AfterUOC took place on Wednesday 20 November. It provided the chance for former UOC staff to come together again, reconnect and reminisce on the special moments they shared as part of a unique, pioneering and[…]


Don’t miss the episode on the UOC in the IAU and BBC StoryWorks’ new documentary series ‘Aiming Higher’

High quality online learning has the potential to help guarantee equal access to higher education for all. And with this in mind, the UOC was featured in an episode of the documentary video series Aiming Higher developed[…]