Interview with Lluís Pastor, director of the eLearn Center of the UOC

31 May, 2017

«At the UOC we want the students to be passionate about learning»

The UOC is committed to time as an engine of change, with a 0-24 hours learning immersion, in any environment and in which the student and his activity are the center.


Lluís Pastor has been a year and a half at the head of the eLearn Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (eLC, hereinafter),  a stage that he defines as “stimulating” and in which “many changes have taken place that will occur in our University in the next years.”

The eLC is the center of innovation and research in e-learning of the UOC and the center of internal and external talent attraction in the e-learning research. Pastor is convinced that “in the coming years, the world of education will be one of the great revolutions of change” and that “in two decades, the world of learning will be full of high disruptions, modifications and transformations.” The UOC joins this educational transformation.

“En este sentido nosotros nos acercamos a sistemas de aprendizaje que hacen que el tiempo percibido de nuestro estudiante sea un tiempo más apasionado, menos denso, pero que, en cambio, aprendan tanto o más como aprendería con otros formatos que resultan más aburridos. Lo que queremos es que el aprendizaje apasione al estudiante”.

Time as an engine of change, with a learning immersion 0-24 h, in any environment and in which the student and his activity are the center is the UOC’s bet. “The student is the one who manages his own learning process and we must help him to learn throughout his life in a way that will be perfectly sustainable regarding to his professional, family, personal and/or social functions,” says Pastor. The UOC places special emphasis on time as the most important element for e-learning: “In this sense, we are inclined to learning systems that make our student’s perceived time more passionate, less dense, but with which, instead, they can learn as much (or even more) as they would with other boring formats. What we want is that learning to thrill the student.”

In reference to research, the eLC helps to position the UOC as a reference university in the e-learning field worldwide, attracting both the best internal talent – from the UOC itself – and the external one. “Our aim is that the research center can respond to the strategic needs of the university and we do not want it to be an element that works in parallel to the interests of the researchers themselves” and adds “We also want our research center to give visibility and notoriety to the researchers who, in the UOC itself, are working on e-learning issues” he concludes.




Lluís Pastor holds a PhD in Journalism from the Universitat Ramón Llull (URL), a master’s degree in Information Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and a degree in Business Administration by the IESE, from the Universidad de Navarra.

He is currently Director of the UOC’s eLearn Center and Oberta Publishing and general director of Editorial UOC. Previously, he was the director of Information and Communication Studies at the UOC.

He is also a professor at the Universitat Ramon Llull, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, la Universidad Jaume I of Castellón and the Universitat de Girona.

He provides training sessions for executives and in various academic or professional seminars where communication is a key factor. He focuses his research on communication, persuasion, nonverbal communication, narrative, learning and virtual teaching.

Lluís Pastor has published 10 books, among which stands out, in the field of learning, Funiversity. Changing university through the media, 2011, Editorial UOC.



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