Behavioural Design Lab

Behavioural Design & Health

Our aim is to describe and understand the principles, models, and techniques that promote behaviour change through ICT’s both in the field of individual health and in the field of Public Health; both analysing devices persuasiveness and collaborating with designers in eHealth projects.



Habits Design & Health Promotion disabled people (2021 – )

Funding: Chair UOC-COCEMFE (research contract).

Objective: To help disabled people (physical and organic disability) to create healthy habits that they can introduce in their daily routines to stay healthy. We will use a Telegram channel, as we did in a pilot project with UOC workers.

Team: Manuel Armayones, Beni Gómez-Zúñiga, Modesta Pousada, Josep Maria Suelves and Noemí Robles.


PSY-COVID-19 (2021 – )

Funding: Pandemia 2021 (Generalitat).

Objective: To incorporate different behavioral design strategies to improve the number of responses to the survey on psychological effects of Covid-19.

Team: Antoni Sanz (IP) (UAB) and a team of more than 75 researchers from different universities around the world. From UOC: Clara Selva, Manuel Armayones and Noemí Robles.


Behavior design and public health: a theoretical model explaining unassisted smoking cessation (2020 – )


Objective: To use of the BCW model to describe evidence about the impact of the COVID pandemic on tobacco use. To provide new insight on the resources, mechanisms and strategies that allow smokers to quit without assistance, including new e-health initiatives.

Team: Josep Maria Suelves (Doctoral student), Beni Gómez-Zúñiga, Manuel Armayones.


Loneliness and Disability People in Barcelona (2020 – )

Funding: UOC-COCEMFE Chair for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Digital Health.

Objective: To analyze loneliness indicators of disabled people and to evaluate and design interventions following the Behavior Change Wheel.

Team: Manuel Armayones (IP), Beni Gómez-Zúñiga, Modesta Pousada, Ignacio del Arco, Noemí Robles (eHC technical support), Eva Aumatell (research assistant). Working closely with the responsibles for Barcelona Strategy for Loneliness.


Self-Management Styles in Chronic Diseases and Support by Monitoring And Coaching Technologies (2020 – )

Funding: eHC-Twente University-Hospital Clínic.

Objective: This study aims, through a patient-centred model, to explore and identify behavioral and cognitive constructs of relevance for the development, customization, and adaptation of information and communication technologies (ICTs), specifically focused on monitoring and coaching, to support the self-care of individuals diagnosed with chronic diseases (with an emphasis on cardiovascular diseases) and improving adherence.

Team: Roberto R. Cruz-Martínez (UoT), Jobke Wentzel (UoT), Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen (UoT) , Manuel Armayones, Noemí Robles Muñoz, Joan Escarrabill (Clínic).


XPA Patient Covid Experience (2020 – )

Funding: XPA (Patient Experience Unit) Hospital Clínic and UOC eHealth Center.

Objective: To analyse from different points of view (patients, professionals) the patients experience during their hospital admission in areas such technology ,psychological variables and other quality indicators.

Team: Joan Escarabill (PI) (Hospital Clínic), Manuel Armayones, Noemí Robles, Maelle Lebon (IS Global) and different specialists from hospitals around Catalonia.


CLI-NIT: Quality of sleep during hospitalisation (2019 – )

Funding: XPA (Patient Experience Unit) Hospital Clínic and UOC eHealth Center.

Objective:To improve the quality of rest of the patients in Hospital Clínic.

Team: Joan Escarrabill (PI) (Hospital Clínic), Manuel Armayones (eHC), Yolanda Graupera (Hospital Clínic), Noemí Robles (eHC) and Elena Salas (Hospital Clínic).


The persuasive traits in anti-vaccination videos in Spain and their implications in social media campaign to counteract vaccine hesitancy (2018 – )


Objective: To analyze potential strategies of technological persuasion concealed in anti-vaccination videos shared on Youtube or Vimeo. To detect if these strategies are useful for designing vaccination-promoting campaigns to counteract anti-vaccination messages. To unveil the persuasive features and possible theories used by anti-vaccination groups in online videos in Spain.

Team: Alicia García-Oliva (Doctoral student) and Manuel Armayones.


Social approach to COVID-19 (2020 – 2021)


Objective: To contribute, with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, and from behavior design perspective, to understand and guided interventions with specific groups to increase protective behavior against COVID19.

Team: AQUAS and a multidisciplinary team of researcher, including a team of Behavior Design Lab.




HABEATS (2019 – 2020)

Funding: Private funding.

Objective: Help IT designers of a mobile application aimed to help patients to leave tobacco and alcohol before hip surgery, to increase the adherence both to the app and to the psychological interventions.

Team: Manuel Armayones (IP), Antoni Baena, Marina Bosque (Health Studies), Beni Gómez-Zúñiga, Eulàlia Hernàndez and Modesta Pousada (Psychology and Education Studies).


Learn: Towards an educational model for lifelong learning (2018 – 2020)

Funding: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Elearn Center).

Objective: To create a model that facilitates lifelong learning in a distance learning context incorporing behavior design in different project stages.

Team: Josep Maria Batalla Busquets, Jordi Conesa i Caralt, Montserrat Garcia Alsina, Beni Gómez-Zúñiga, María Jesús Martínez Argüelles and Enric Mor Pera (UOC).


Botter: A personal robot for new UOC students (2016 – 2020)

Funding: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Elearn Center).

Objective: To make the training process more dynamic, improve support and promote better and incorporing specific strategies to students engagement from a behavioural perspective.

Team: Beni Gómez-Zúñiga, Manuel Armayones, Modesta Pousada, Eulàlia Hernández, Santi Caballé, Jordi Conesa and Francesc Santanach (UOC).

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