Call For Papers: Special Issue on E-learning

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Call For Papers: Special Issue on E-learning

Journal of Information Technology and Application in Education (JITAE) is an international open-access and refereed journal publishing the latest advancements in information technology and application in education. Research areas include e-learning and knowledge management, evaluation[…]

Digital Divides

What the Shift to Mobile Means for Blind News Consumers

It makes sense that the shift to mobile – and the stripped down, sparse aesthetic that in many cases comes with it – makes web navigation easier for someone using screen readers and other tools[…]

Gender & ICTs

The US Government workforce is closing the gender pay gap, but reforms still needed, report says

Women working for the federal government earn less than men overall but the gap is shrinking, and most of the difference is the result of women being concentrated in lower-paying jobs with too few occupying[…]


How age, gender and social media converge in Hollywood

( a letter for a friend) Hi! I remember how at your nice dinner party, we had been chatting about my new research on aging, and how women in Hollywood were especially vulnerable in this[…]

Gender & ICTs

Government workforce is closing the gender pay gap, but reforms still needed, report says

Women working for the federal government earn less than men overall but the gap is shrinking, and most of the difference is the result of women being concentrated in lower-paying jobs with too few occupying[…]


Use of the internet is expected to triple by 2017: Environmental concerns related to it

The Greenpeace’ report released this April indicates that the web may help destroy “the very fabric of our life on Earth”, due to the carbon-based sources of power it uses and the electronic waste that[…]

Education Worldwide

The face of internationalisation in Europe: brand new EAIE study unveiled by EAIE

As internationalisation of higher education has become increasingly complex and far reaching over the past years, EAIE (European Association for International Education) unveiled a project to undertake comprehensive research to map the state of internationalisation[…]

OpenEd & OER

Working Together to keep the Web Open and Free: Tim Berners-Lee on its 25th Anniversary

In March 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, 58, established a place for himself in the history books by creating the World Wide Web. That month, the Briton, who at the time worked for the European Organization for[…]

Gender & ICTs

International Women’s Day: violence and obstacles yet to overcome

About a third of all women in the EU have experienced either physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, and 55% said they had been sexually harassed. These are the hard-hitting findings of[…]

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Harvard, MIT Launch MOOC Student Visualization Tools

Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the two institutions behind the massive open online course provider edX, on Thursday released a set of tools that visualize the age, gender, location and level of[…]