International Seminars
Càtedra UNESCO International Seminar 2019
Seminari Internacional de la Càtedra UNESCO en Educació Tecnologia per al Canvi Social 2019 Barcelona, 12 de novembre de 2019 “Hola, sóc Alexa: què vols aprendre?”: Robots docents o docents robots? La intel·ligència artificial ha[…]
Càtedra UNESCO International Seminar 2018
This post has been translated from the original which can be consulted here. On the 12th November 2018, the UOC UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change hosted the Annual International Seminar at[…]
International Seminar on Evidence-based research: methodological approaches and practical outcomes. Insights for Online Education
Presentations Last November, 21 and 22, the International Seminar on“Evidence-based research: methodological approaches and practical outcomes. Insights for Online Education” was held in Barcelona. The international speakers invited shared their different perspectives on the topic,[…]
International Seminar on Evidence-based research: methodological approaches and practical outcomes. Insights for Online Education
The UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change at UOC work and initiatives take as reference the document “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (United Nations, 2015) which underlines the[…]
X International Seminar videos now available
Videos of the X International Seminar have been published on UOC’s youtube page. The 2-day seminar led to several discussions on the challenges and opportunities of education regarding to curricula. Our speakers discussed on what[…]
What are the top three things our students need to learn in order to thrive in the world we live in?
Cathy Davidson, from City University of New York and The Futures Initiative, gave the first keynote talk of our X International Seminar. During her speech she asked the participants to write down on a card the[…]
X International Seminar tweet by tweet, debate by debate
Danica Savonick, from the Futures Initiative, has created a detailed Storify page with a representative selection of the conversations and moments that took place during the Seminar. It is a good summary of the debates[…]
Highlights from Day 1 of X International Seminar
This post was written by Tom Caswell Day 1 of the X International Seminar of the UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change was lively and thought provoking. After a warm welcome from Josep[…]
Call for Demos extended
The UNESCO Chair for Education and Technology for Social Change is extending the period to present demos for its X International Seminar until October 7: Revisiting the Fundamentals of Traditional Curricula R/Evolution: what “R” would[…]
International Literacy Day 2014 [UPDATED]
According to the latest OECD’s report, even in developed countries where access to higher education is widening, people are falling short of high levels of skills; other trends is that social mobility is slowing down. UK[…]