

CODUR presented at EDEN and CIDUI conferences

Prof. Albert Sangrà, coordinator of the CODUR project and Director of the UNESCO Chair for Education and Technology for Social Change, and members of the team Montse Guitert and Juliana Raffaghelli attended the European Distance[…]


CODUR presented at the African Council for Distance Education

Following the invitation of the Executive Board of the African Council for Distance Education, the coordinator of the CODUR project and Director of the UNESCO Chair for Education and Technology for Soial Change, Prof. Albert[…]


Will Ranking System Be Abandoned Everywhere?

For many years, ranking ruled the education world, in the U.S. and everywhere. To get a better spot in existing ranking systems run mainly by private entities, colleges would invest into infrastructure, construct posh athletic[…]


More of Rankings

Guardian University League Tables   The UK-based Guardian University League Tables unveiled this monday the 2014 edition, with University of Cambridge in the top for fourth time in a row. These rankings aim to provide[…]


New University Ranking “U-Multirank” raises doubts among experts

U-Multirank is a brand-new international university ranking supported by the European Commission. It formally aims to provide greater transparency within the Higher Education system, as well as it allows users to construct their own comparative[…]