At the Ethics and Political Philosophy Week
8 de February de 2023Two members of Mussol have participated in the XXI Week of Ethics and Political Philosophy held between 2 and 4 February at the Universitat Jaume I.
On the one hand, Irene Gómez Franco presented her book Deudas pendientes. La justicia entre generaciones (Plaza y Valdés-CSIC) and, on the other, she participated in the round table entitled “Cautelas frente a los impactos de la AI desde la historia de las ideas morales y políticas”. This round table was devoted to reflect on the possible drawbacks of AI in the ethical and political fields. While valuing its positive contributions, emphasis was placed on the importance of taking into account the potentially negative dimensions of the application of AI from the history of moral and political ideas, since the issues raised by new technologies are multiple and multidisciplinary and affect many of the problems that have always been addressed by ethics and political philosophy. Irene Gómez’s talk focused on the concept of imagination (starting from its critical dimension from the thought of Marina Garcés to end up in the imagination as Hannah Arendt’s “visit to the other”) articulating its potentialities for an intergenerational perspective and projected into the future taking into account our relationship with the machine and AI.
On the other hand, Antonio Casado da Rocha participated in the thematic table “Artificial and collective intelligence: algorithmic governance, digital platforms and democratic participation”, in which research results and projects were presented on the uses of Decidim and other platforms for participatory democracy, giving priority to its ethical and technopolitical aspects. Being highly adaptable and configurable, everything depends on how each instance of this platform works in relation to its “territory” or participatory public, what kind of interactions it promotes. And here we enter into the importance of design, which was one of the topics of the roundtable. Interest was also expressed in articulating different forms and systems of human, artificial and collective intelligence with the aim of improving democratic processes, which has generated research in mathematics and computer science departments, but being a philosophy congress we talked more about the general framework (the Marxian “general intellect”) and the tension between the participatory and deliberative dimensions. To this end, Antonio presented the Gi2030 platform, an instance of Decidim to support processes of prospective and collective imagination that are being carried out this year in several localities of Gipuzkoa.