Philosophy for contemporary challenges


Marina Garcés (IP). Philosopher and associate professor of Arts and Humanities Studies at the Open University of Catalonia, where she directs the Master of Philosophy for contemporary challenges. The promoter of the collective project of critical thinking Espai en Blanc, she is the author, among others, of the books Un mundo común (2012), Filosofía inacabada (2015), Fuera de clase (2016), Ciudad Princesa (2017) or Nueva ilustración radical ( Ciutat de Barcelona Essay Award, 2018) or, very recently, the Escuela de aprendices (2020).

Eduard Aibar. Professor of science and technology studies at the Department of Arts and Humanities of the Open University of Catalonia and a member of the MUSSOL research group on philosophy for contemporary challenges. He teaches in the Degree in Humanities, in the Degree in Anthropology and Human Evolution, the Master’s Degree in Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges, and in Contemporary History. He has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Maastricht University (Netherlands), at the University of Salamanca, and at the University of Barcelona. He was Vice-Rector for Research at the UOC during the period 2005-2009 and director of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the UOC and of the Doctorate Program in Information and Knowledge Society, in other periods. He has developed research mainly on social aspects of science and technology. He has recently focused on the study of open science and technology and has led two research projects on the role of Wikipedia in public communication of science and university teaching.

Susanna Tesconi. Has a degree in Philosophy of Language from the University of Pisa, Italy and a PhD in Education from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​researcher, researcher, teacher and creator of learning environments. His work is inspired by the interaction between people and technology in experiential learning contexts. Currently, she is a professor at the Open University of Catalonia, a member of the Mussol research group and her research activity focuses on the study of arts, design, contemporary philosophical and techno-scientific thought from a perspective that integrates the educational practice and the design of learning environments with the production of theoretical reflection. His main interests are linked to the generation of educational environments and artifacts that, from a socio-constructivist approach, allow exploring the educational potential of the relationships between disciplinary fields.

Ignasi Gozalo Salellas. Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University and in Humanities (UOC), he is currently a Professor at the Studies of Information and Communication Sciences and the Master of Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges of the Open University of Catalonia. He has been a Lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania, a Visiting Professor at the Ohio State University and Bryn Mawr College, and a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University and New York State University (Stony Brook). He develops his research between the fields of contemporary thought and visual culture (with an emphasis on media archeology). He is the author of La excepcionalidad permanente (Anagrama, 2023) and co-author of El síntoma Trump (Lengua de Trapo, 2019). He co-authored the audiovisual series What is to be done: America in the Trump era (CTXT, 2018). He regularly collaborates with media outlets such as Diari Ara, La Maleta de Portbou, CTXT, Público, La Marea, and FronteraD.

Antonio Casado da Rocha. PhD in Philosophy and professor at the University of the Basque Country. He investigates communities of practice and contemporary ethical questions, students with groups that commit themselves mutually to the objective of sharing, endowed with repertoire of practices that configure the seva moral identity, and understand ethics with the modes of life that they teach. encourage us to manage the passat, transform the present and imagine the future. The founding member of the Eszena Arteak-UNEA Unibertsitate Association (Arts Escèniques de la Universitat) and the Joxe Azurmendi Chair of Contemporary Thought.

Christine Hentschel. Professor of criminology: security and resilience at the Social Sciences Department at Universität Hamburg. Her research revolves around affective publics, apocalyptic imaginations, contemporary right wing sentiments and reasoning as well as critical security. She joined the group after a research stay in Barcelona in Spring 2021. In the summer term 2022 she is a fellow at the Kaete Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Postapocalyptic Studies (CAPAS) in Heidelberg where she develops a range of critical devices for reading apocalyptic imaginations in the face of ecological devastation.

María García Pérez. Professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Valladolid, doctor of Philosophy cum laude from the University of Granada, and Bachelor of Philosophy from the University of Murcia, with research stays at the Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), she is a collaborating professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), (University Master’s Degree in Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges and Degree in Social Education), collaborating professor at the National Distance University (UNED), member of the editorial committee of the magazine Thought on the margin and member (secretary) of the SAF (Academic Society of Philosophy). His lines of research are: ontology, political ontology, biopolitics, the thought of difference, community, and impolitic thought, fundamentally. She is the author of the book Politics of Love (2020) and various articles in scientific journals on philosophy and political philosophy.

Irene Gómez Franco. Professor of Philosophy at the University of Girona, collaborating professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and visiting researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Her publications show a commitment to understanding philosophy as a critical exercise turned to practice and develop her line of work around issues related to theories of intergenerational justice, the capabilities approach, climate ethics and feminist thought. She is the author, among others, of the book Deudas pendientes. La justicia entre generaciones, CSIC – Plaza y Valdés editores (2020).

Marc Boqué Peña. Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Zaragoza and Degree in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona. Collaborating professor in the Arts and Humanities Area of ​​the Open University of Catalonia. His latest publications are Boqué, M. (2020). “Memory as a metaphysical factum” in Giorgio Colli’s philosophy of expression “. Logos. Anales Del Seminario De Metafísica, 53, 141-158 and “Who made Einstein imagine flashes of light in the windows of trains seen from the platforms?” Thémata. Revista de Filosofía, 53, 63-86.

Borja Muntadas Figueras. Collaborating Professor at the UOC, in the Studies of Arts and Humanities and in those of Psychology and Educational Sciences. He has been Visiting Professor in the Master of Law and Biofuels at UFU (Brazil). Member of the Editorial Board of LAECC and coordinator of the LIBRANT publishing house. Post-doctorate in Philosophy and Law (UFU), Doctor in Contemporary Philosophy (UB), Graduate in Philosophy (UB) and Diploma in Business Sciences (UPC). He is the co-author of The Cage of Time. (2020) and author of Inmediatez. Capitalism and Accelerated Lives (2016).

Alba G. Torrents. Alba Torrents has a doctorate in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and in Social Communication from the National University of Córdoba. Currently, she works as a teacher in the Department of Philosophy at the UAB. She is also a collaborating professor of the Master of Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges at the Open University of Catalonia. She has worked as a researcher at the Center for Research and Study of Culture and Society (CIECS) in Argentina and has been a visiting researcher at the University of Kyoto Seika.

Alba Giménez Gil. PhD at the European Center for Documentary Research (University of South Wales, United Kingdom) with a doctoral thesis on the artist and filmmaker Harun Farocki. Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona (2013) and Master in philosophy at the National University of Distance Education (2015) where she also works as an assistant lecturer. Alba regularly works as a collaborating lecturer at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. She has also taught at the University of Girona and the University of South Wales, mostly in modules related to visual culture and contemporary political thinking. She combines her academic activity with the conceptualization and implementation of educational activities in cultural institutions in Barcelona (Museu Picasso, Fundació Tàpies, Museu de l’Art Prohibit and CaixaFòrum). Her research interests include: cinema and philosophy, aesthetics and political imagination, Gilles Deleuze’s film theory, affect theories, and the links between image and historical memory.

Steen Knudsen Esquerda. He holds a Major in Philosophy and a Minor in Classical Culture from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and he received a valedictorian award in the Master of Humanities at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. He also holds a Master’s degree in Contemporary Thought and Classical Tradition from the University of Barcelona, where he received a Master+UB scholarship in the APORIA group for his research on the Frankfurt School. His interests focus on modern and contemporary thought, particularly political philosophy, cultural studies, philosophy of history, and Critical Theory. He is currently a fellow of the Humanities and Communication program at the UOC, where he is developing his doctoral thesis on the relationship between nostalgia, culture, and political imagination.

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