UPCOMING SEMINAR! ‘Gender ultra: National love and masculine bravery in Vox’s gender politics’

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UPCOMING SEMINAR! ‘Gender ultra: National love and masculine bravery in Vox’s gender politics’

The MEDUSA research group invites you to the seminar “Gender ultra: National love and masculine bravery in Vox’s gender politics” that will be held by Alexandre Pichel Vázquez where he will present the progress of[…]

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Postdoc Opportunity at UOC- MEDUSA Research Group

At MEDUSA. Genders in Transition we have a vacancy for a postdoc position for 20,5 months that has just been published.   The selected candidate will become a member of the MEDUSA consolidated research group at[…]

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Call for Papers Open for RE:22 (Reykjavik, June 13-16, 2022)

The RE:22 Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference will be held in Reykjavik next summer (June 13-16, 2022) with the theme “Re”. We invite all of you to participate with us in the event and to[…]

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Men in Movement V. Masculinities and Feasible Futures

International ConferenceSeptember 29th to October 1st, 2021BARCELONA Current times demand that we focus on the present and rethink about the future and its conditions of feasibility. When we started designing this fifth edition of “Men[…]

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UPCOMING SEMINAR! ‘How’ does gender mean? Proposals and gender connections in the electoral manifestos of Vox and CUP (2012-2021).

‘How’ does gender mean? Proposals and gender connections in the electoral manifestos of Vox and CUP (2012-2021). Next September 6th, 2021 (4pm-6pm), will take place the seminar “‘How’ does gender mean? Proposals and gender connections[…]

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The MEDUSA Team Member, Researcher Maite Garbayo along with María Rosón are coordinating the next edition of RE-VISIONES Magazine of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.  In this edition of the magazine called ‘FEMINISMS: revolts and[…]

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Cycle of talks. The genre from the past to the present.

Cycle of talks. The genre from the past to the present(virtual and with sign language interpretation service) Have there always been two genres? What relationship exists between sex, gender, and desire orientation? Is it possible[…]

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Upcoming Closing Event. Humanism, Posthumanism and Gender: entangled sights

As MEDUSA Research Team, we are very pleased to inform you about our Upcoming Closing Event of the I+D+I Project “The body and gender within the conceptual epistemological framework of posthumanism” (FEM2016-77963-C2-1-P, IP Josep Martí)[…]

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Upcoming Posthuman Seminar: “I lack air. Ecosophic reflections on an unbreathable world”. Dr. Mónica Cano Abadía

We are very pleased to announce the upcoming event of the Posthuman Seminars´ Series hold by Dr. Mónica Cano Abadía (research fellow of MEDUSA) entitled ‘I´m running out of air. Ecosophic reflections on an unbreathable[…]

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Call for papers: Masculinity Network

We wish to announce the Call for Papers for the Conference  Masculinity in Times of Change organised by MASCNET: Masculinity Sex and Popular Culture Network in collaboration with Men in Movement 5: Intersectional Masculinities and Feasible Futures (Online symposium-20th[…]