MEDUSA organizes a new Posthuman Seminar on February 20 at 4pm, which will be given by Dr. Adrià Voltes. This Seminar, like the previous ones, will take place at the CSIC-IMF headquarters in Egipcíaques street.[…]
On 27th November 2018 MEDUSA organized the Seminar ‘Robotics and Social Sciences’ with the participation of Miquel Domènec, professor of Social Psychology at UAB. This Seminar was part of the Posthuman Seminars that Medusa organizes[…]
MEDUSA has been awarded a Guest Professorship in Austria
Begonya Enguix, coordinator of MEDUSA, has been awarded the Aigner-Rollett-Guest Professorship for Women’s and Gender Studies offered by The Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the Coordination Centre for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities of[…]
MEDUSA co-organizes the fourth edition of the International Conference Men in Movement IV
MEDUSA co-organizes the fourth edition of the International Conference Men in Movement IV that will be held in Bergamo (Italy) on 28 February-1st March 2019. On this occasion, the Conference theme is Masculinity and Violence:[…]
MEDUSA coordinates the panel ‘Into a Trans-forming world: exploring genders and postgenders’
MEDUSA coordinates the panel ‘Into a Trans-forming world: exploring genders and postgenders’ connected to the SIEF Working Group on Body, Affects, Senses, and Emotions (BASE), at the SIEF2019 14th Congress that will be held in[…]