i2TIC member activities during December 2010


New article:

The article entitled “The integration of Information and Communication Technology into nursing” by Dr. Francisco Lupiañez, Dr. Joan Torrent and Dra. Pilar Ficapal has been accepted and is already in press at the International Journal of Medical Informatics. [+info]

Book publication:

‘La indústria catalana després de la crisi’ where Dr. Joan Torrent is the author of the chapter: “Competitivitat internacional. Cap a les noves fonts coinnovadores del creixement industrial?“. Barcelona: Papers d’economia industrial; 32. pp. 177-194. ISBN 9788439386261.

Dr. Ismael Peña-López presented two posters at the ‘International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development — ICTD2010’.

Towards a comprehensive model of the digital economy [paper]

Policy-making for digital development: the role of the government [paper]

Conference by Sandra Vilajoana at the ‘2nd Alumni UOC Meeting’ in València on 2nd December 2010:
‘Estratègies de comunicació i TIC’.

Conference by Dr. Joan Torrent at ‘@Tech: Saló de Noves Tecnologies de les comarques de Girona’, Girona on 13th December 2010:
‘El model de creixement de l’empresa TIC a debat. Noves fonts de productivitat?’

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