Academic data provision and analytics services at the UOC

Artificial intelligence: exclamation and question marks All itemsConversations about innovation

Artificial intelligence: exclamation and question marks

The end of April saw Barcelona host the EdTech Congress which, under the title “Education technology at the service of learning”, offered an opportunity to share knowledge and tools for spearheading digital strategy, a race[…]

Improving e-assessment through pedagogy and data ethical  commitment All itemsEducational trends

Improving e-assessment through pedagogy and data ethical  commitment

Health restrictions have revolutionized the way students attend class, study, communicate and interact with their teacher. Assessment also shifted to a new stage.   Distance assessment carried out through electronic media was being explored at[…]

Hybridization of educational models for a mixed future All itemsDigital transformation and projects

Hybridization of educational models for a mixed future

  The requirement imposed on centres of education to provide remote teaching has accelerated the adoption of new pedagogical methodologies that embrace the concept of e-learning.   For some years, but more intensely during and[…]

Fourteen essential insights on the arrival of the metaverse in the world of education All itemsEducational trends

Fourteen essential insights on the arrival of the metaverse in the world of education

The emergence of this new technology may transform the learning process   A report on analyses and insights on the potential impact of the metaverse on the education sector has recently been put together by[…]

The digital transformation and mental health All itemsDigital transformation and projects

The digital transformation and mental health

Universities are increasingly concerned with their students’ well-being, and are committed to a digital transformation that takes mental health into account   What is the relationship between the digital transformation and mental health at academic[…]