CodeLab, programming for everyone

The role of STEAM in employability and overcoming the female digital divide All itemsEducational trends

The role of STEAM in employability and overcoming the female digital divide

Programmes based on scientific and artistic disciplines are extremely useful for overcoming the digital divide for girls in education and guaranteeing their future employment What STEAM means The term STEM was coined by the National[…]

Mobile phones and video lead the way in young people’s education All itemsEducational trends

Mobile phones and video lead the way in young people’s education

The future of digital content consumption report is now available in the UOC’s institutional repository, O2. The report produced by the UOC’s eLearning Innovation Center (eLinC) focuses on the fact that young people and adults[…]

Young people and digital content: an ever-changing relationship All itemsEducational trends

Young people and digital content: an ever-changing relationship

The UOC and Accenture analyse the behaviour and digital consumption of young people between the ages of 14 and 35  How do teenagers and young people consume complex digital content? What are the macrotrends in[…]

The eight top trends in e-learning for 2023 All itemsEducational trends

The eight top trends in e-learning for 2023

  The challenges of digital assessment, data analytics to improve student experience and success, and issues related to lifelong learning, such as the need to offer microcredentials, are some of the top trends in e-learning[…]

Academic data provision and analytics services at the UOC All itemsTeaching resources and experiences

Academic data provision and analytics services at the UOC

How we collect, provide and analyse academic data     Introducing the services The goal of the academic data provision and advanced analytics services of the Learning Analytics team at the eLearning Innovation Center (eLinC)[…]