Educational trends

Young people and digital content: an ever-changing relationship All itemsEducational trends

Young people and digital content: an ever-changing relationship

The UOC and Accenture analyse the behaviour and digital consumption of young people between the ages of 14 and 35  How do teenagers and young people consume complex digital content? What are the macrotrends in[…]

The eight top trends in e-learning for 2023 All itemsEducational trends

The eight top trends in e-learning for 2023

  The challenges of digital assessment, data analytics to improve student experience and success, and issues related to lifelong learning, such as the need to offer microcredentials, are some of the top trends in e-learning[…]

Improving e-assessment through pedagogy and data ethical  commitment All itemsEducational trends

Improving e-assessment through pedagogy and data ethical  commitment

Health restrictions have revolutionized the way students attend class, study, communicate and interact with their teacher. Assessment also shifted to a new stage.   Distance assessment carried out through electronic media was being explored at[…]

Fourteen essential insights on the arrival of the metaverse in the world of education All itemsEducational trends

Fourteen essential insights on the arrival of the metaverse in the world of education

The emergence of this new technology may transform the learning process   A report on analyses and insights on the potential impact of the metaverse on the education sector has recently been put together by[…]

Transferable skills for a world which is advancing more rapidly than the educational system All itemsEducational trends

Transferable skills for a world which is advancing more rapidly than the educational system

Technology is advancing in leaps and bounds and academic programmes are striving to keep up.   How can students join the labour market in such a rapidly changing world in which the social and economic[…]