School of learners: ¿how to imagine a community of practice in the XXIst century?
18 de May de 2021This Summer Course explores the relationship between philosophy, education and contemporary forms of imagination, especially the visual and cinematographic arts, to broaden the imaginary of the transformations that we need to address in the 21st century. In a moment of crisis (health, economic, environmental …) imagination is a crucial factor. If imagining is making the absent present, it is a way of relating to loss and uncertainty, and also of welcoming our “shadow”: everything that we ignore or keep on the sidelines. This is one of the central ideas of the School of Apprentices (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020), the philosophy of education that Marina Garcés exposes in her last book, and that in this Course we will be able to analyze with her author. To do this, we will complete its approach with the studies on communities of practice begun in the 1990s, which emphasize the importance of informal interaction and peripheral participation of learners, and that will help us to look at different cultural and educational experiences from another perspective. Specifically, we will focus on three: Elías Querejeta Zinema Eskola (Tabakalera), Massana School (Center d’Art i Disseny, Barcelona), and the Popular University of Social Movements led by Boaventura de Sousa.