Key skills for success in business administration

30 de November de 2023

In today’s dynamic business world, the skills and competencies of management professionals are crucial to ensuring the success and sustainability of a company. As business challenges evolve, it is essential that managers are equipped with a diverse range of competencies that not only meet the demands of the present, but also prepare the organization for the future.

This topic is what this article is about, which summarizes the presentation given by Carme Pagès Serra, member of the Management & e-Learning (MeL) research group, on November 16, 2023 at the Labor Fair of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

About the presentation

In Professor Carme’s recent presentation, seven megatrends were highlighted that are causing a significant transformation in the world of organizations. These trends not only redefine the way companies operate, but also impose new challenges and opportunities for professionals at all levels.

7 megatrends

  1. Accelerated Technological Change and Automation: As technologies evolve, there is a need to rethink the skills required and the coexistence between artificial intelligence and the human workforce.
  2. Globalization and relocation: In an increasingly connected world, adaptability and intercultural skills become key elements to face new work challenges.
  3. New Work Organization: The third megatrend indicates a change in the way companies are organized, moving to a more team- and project-oriented structure.
  4. Teleworking and Remote Teams: Professionals must adapt to this reality, developing virtual management skills and maintaining effectiveness in their contribution, regardless of physical location.
  5. Sustainability: Organizations must consider their environmental and social responsibility, and professionals must be aware of these evolving dynamics.
  6. Inclusion: Diversity at all levels of the organization becomes a catalyst for innovation and sustainable growth.
  7. Data as the New Oil: Understanding and analyzing data are becoming essential skills, with artificial intelligence emerging as a key player for the future.

The Importance of Soft Skills

On the other hand, the increase in digital habits is notable, with a particular focus on the development of soft skills. As technology continues to evolve, the importance of competencies such as effective communication, teamwork and adaptability is significantly highlighted. Organizations increasingly recognize that these skills are crucial to productivity and cohesion in a fast-moving business environment.

In addition, there has been a growing demand for understanding the IT processes behind business operations. This need reflects the transition towards more digitalized work environments, where professionals must become familiar with the technologies that drive their work processes. Thoroughly understanding how computer systems work not only improves operational efficiency, but also allows for more agile adaptation to technological changes.

Artificial intelligence

Finally, Professor Carme highlights that artificial intelligence will be a key piece in the future of organizations. The ability of machines to learn and make decisions without human intervention becomes a transformative force. In this context, she highlights that all professionals should develop a basic understanding of artificial intelligence, as this technology will continue to be fundamental in innovation and business evolution.

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