ICT interdisciplinary research group

Mihaela Enache Zegheru

Associate professor
Economics and Business Studies
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
ORCID: 0000-0002-6364-954X / ResearchGate


Mihaela Enache is PhD in Business Administration and Management with European Mention (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) and a degree in Business Administration and in English Philology.

Associate professor in the Department of Economics and Business Studies at the UOC. Research interests: organizational behavior, sustainable human resources management and health work environments.  

Lecturer Accreditation (AQU and ANECA) and Associate Professor Accreditation (Contratado Doctor) (ANECA); Research Positive Assessment (AQU): 2008-2013


Torrent‐Sellens, J., Ficapal‐Cusí, P., & Enache‐Zegheru, M. (2023). Boosting environmental management: The mediating role of Industry 4.0 between environmental assets and economic and social firm performanceBusiness Strategy and the Environment, 32(1), 753-768. 

Salazar-Concha, C., Ficapal-Cusí, P., Peñarroja, V., & Enache-Zegheru, M. (2022). Validation of the Spanish version of the technostress creators scale in Chilean workersAnnals of Psychology, 38(3), 518-529.

Ficapal-Cusí, P., Enache-Zegheru, M., & Torrent-Sellens, J. (2021). Enhancing team performance: A multilevel model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 289, 125158. 

Ficapal-Cusí, P., Enache-Zegheru, M., & Torrent-Sellens, J. (2020). Linking Perceived Organizational Support, Affective Commitment, and Knowledge Sharing with Prosocial Organizational Behavior of Altruism and Civic Virtue. Sustainability, 12(24), 10289. 

Simo, P., Sallan, J.M., Fernandez, V., & Enache, M. (2016). Change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior: Analysis of antecedents centered on regulatory focus at the workplace. The International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 24(2), 261-273.

Simo, P.; Enache, M.; Sallan, J.M.; Fernandez, V. (2014). Relations between organizational commitment and focal and discretionary behaviours. The Services Industries Journal.  

Enache, M.; Sallan, J.M.; Simo, P.; Fernandez, V. (2013). Organizational commitment within a contemporary career context. International Journal of Manpower, 34 (8), 880-898. 

Lopez-Dominguez, M.; Enache, M.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M. (2013). Transformational leadership as an antecedent of change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research,  66.  

Fernandez, V.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M.; Enache, M. (2013). Evolution of online discussion forum richeness according to channel expansion theory: A longitudinal panel data analysis. Computers & Education, 62, 32-40. 

Fernandez, V.; Simo, P.; Salan, J.M.; Enache, M. (2012). The frequency of the dyadic influence tactics according to communication media. Behaviour & Information Technology,  31 (6).

Enache, M.; Sallan, J.M.; Simo, P.; Fernandez, V. (2011). Career attitudes and subjective career succes: Tackling gender differences. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 26 (3), 234-250. 

Fernandez, V.; Simo, P.; Algaba, I.; Albareda-Sambola, M.; Salan, N.; Amante, B.; Enache, M.; Bravo, E.R.; Sune, A.; Garcia-Almiñana, D.; Rajadell, M.; Garriga, F. (2011). ‘Low-cost educational videos’ for engineering students: A new concept based on video stream and youtube channels. International Journal of Engineering Education. 

Enache, M.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M.; Fernandez, V. (2011). Examining the impact of protean and boundaryless career attitudes upon subjective career success. Journal of Management & Organization, 17(4), 460-474. 

Saura, M.J.; Simo, P.; Enache, M.; Fernandez, V. (2011). Exploratory study regarding the determinants of health and job stress of non-civil servant teaching and research staff withing the Spanish university context. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 19(4), 1-25. 

Bravo, E.; Enache, M.; Fernandez, V.; Simo, P. (2010). An innovative teaching practice based on online channels: A qualitative approach. World Journal on Educational Technology, 2(2), 112-122. 

Simo, P.; Enache, M.; Fernandez, V.; Sallan, J.M. (2010). Career profiles and organizational commitment: analyzing necessary and sufficient conditions. Dirección y organización,  41, 18-34. 

Simo, P.; Enache, M.; Sallan, J.M.; Fernandez, V. (2010). Analysis of the relation between subjective career success, organizational commitment and the intention to leave the organization. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 29E/2010, p. 144-158. 

Simo, P.; Fernandez, V.; Algaba, I.; Salan, N.; Enache, M.; Albareda-Sambola, M.; Bravo, E.R.; Sune, A.; Garcia-Almiñana, D.; Amante, B.; Rajadell, M. (2010). Video stream and teaching channels: quantitative analysis of the use of low-cost educational videos on the webProcedia – Social and behavioral sciences, 2(2), 2937-2941.  

Viedma, J.M.; Enache, M. (2008). Managing personal human capital for professional excellence: An attempt to design a practical methodology. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 6 (1), 52-61. 

Scientific books and chapters:

Fernandez, V., Simo, P., Sallan, J.M. and Enache, M. (2012). Organizational Forgetting/Unlearning: The Dark Side of the Absorptive Capacity. In H.T. Hou (Eds.),New Research on Knowledge Management Applications and Lesson Learned (pp. 155-170). InTech – ISBN: 978-953-51-0073-7 (link)

Editorials in Scientific Journals:

Fernandez, V.; Albareda-Sambola, M.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J. M.; Enache, M.; Mula, J.; De la Fuente, V. (2012). JIEM’s fourth year – Present status and future avenues.  Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, vol. 5, núm. 1, p. 1-3. doi:  http://dx.doi.org/10.3926/jiem.500

Gonzalez-Prieto, D.; Lordan, O.; Sallan, J.M.; Simo, P.; Enache, M.; Fernandez, V. (2011). Journal of Airline and Airport Management: Taking off on an exciting journey into Air Transport Research. Journal of Airline and Airport Management, vol. 1, núm.. 1, pp. 1-3. doi:  http://dx.doi.org/10.3926/jairm.1

Enache, M.; Fernandez, V.; Abareda-Sambola, M.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M. (2011). JIEM’s third year: Present status and future avenues. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, vol. 4, núm. 2, p. 163-167. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3926/jiem.2011.v4n2.p163-167

Sallan, J.M.; Enache, M.; Albareda, M.; Fernandez, V; Simo, P. (2010). An overview of JIEM’s second year, and a prospect of its third. Journal of industrial engineering and management (JIEM), Juny 2010, vol. 3, núm. 1, p. 1-10.  doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3926/jiem..v3n1.p1-10

Simo, P.; Enache, M; Sallan, J.M.; Fernandez, V. (2009). First year reflections: Basic guidelines and future directions. Journal of industrial engineering and management (JIEM), vol. 2, núm. 1, p. 1-9.  doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3926/jiem.2009.v2n1.p1-9

Fernandez, V.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M.; Enache, M. (2008). JIEM: a new exciting journey into the research of industrial engineering and management. Journal of industrial engineering and management (JIEM), vol. 1, núm. 1, p. 1-3.  doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3926/jiem.2008.v1n1.p1-3

Conferences and International Meetings:

López, M.; Enache, M.; Sallan, J.M.; Simo, P. (2012). Transformational leadership as an antecedent of change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. 2021 Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) Conference. Valencia (Spain), 10th to 12th July 2012.

Enache, M.; Sallan, J.M.; Simo, P.; Fernandez, V. (2012). Can organizational commitment be experienced by individuals pursuing contemporary career paths? “International Network of Business & Management Journals, 2012 INBAM Conference Annual Meeting”. Valencia (Spain) 20th to 22nd March 2012. p. 1-23.

Trullas, I.; Simo, P.; Enache, M., Salllan, J.M.; Mas, M. (2011). La identificación de los estudiantes con la universidad: Análisis empírico de las diferencias entre la modalidad presencial y semipresencial en Ingeniería de Organización. “5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management / XV Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización”. 7 de septiembre de 2011. Cartagena (Spain). p. 432.

Bravo, E.; Amante, B.; Simo, P.; Enache, M.; Fernandez, V. (2011). Utilización de vídeos de bajo coste como una herramienta docente para incrementar la motivación de los estudiantes. “III Workshop de la Sección de Estrategia Empresarial de ACEDE”. 10 de febrero de 2011. Granada (Spain).

Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M.; Fernandez, V.; Enache, M. (2010). Change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior as a driver of innovation and creativity in organizational change: analysis of antecedents centered on regulatory theory focus at the workplace. A: INBAM 2010. “International Network of Business and Management Journals”. Universitat de València, 2010, p. 1-7.

Simo, P.; Fernandez, V.; Algaba, I.; Salán, N.; Enache, M.; Albareda-Sambola, M.; Bravo, E.; Suñe, A.; García-Almiñana, Daniel; Amante, B.; Rajadell, M. (2010). Video stream and teaching channels: Quantitative analysis of the use of low-cost educational videos on the web. A: World Conference on Educational Sciences – WCES2010. “World Conference on Educational Sciences”. 2010, p. 37.

Enache, M.; Sallan, J.M.; Simo, P.; Fernandez, V. (2009). Can organizational commitment be experienced by individuals pursuing contemporary career paths?. A: 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. “Academy of Management Meeting”. 2009.

Simo, P.; Salán, N.; Fernandez, V.; Algaba, I.; Enache, M.; Suñe, A.; Bravo, E.; Albareda-Sambola, M.; Garriga-Garzón, F.; Rajadell, M.; Amante, B.; García-Almiñana, D. (2009). Video Stream y canales docentes: Análisis de la utilización de vídeos docentes de bajo coste en la Red. A: 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/XIII Congreso Ingeniería de Organización. “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización”. Ramón Companys Pascual, Anna Maria Coves Moreno, Vicenç Fernández Alarcón, Amaia Lusa García, Manel Mateo Doll, José María Sallán Leyes, 2009, p. 1839-1848.

Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M.; Enache, M. (2009). Comportamientos de ciudadanía organizativa: Análisis de los antecedentes de la dimensión orientada al cambio. A: 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/XIII Congreso Ingeniería de Organización. “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización”. Ramón Companys Pascual, Anna Maria Coves Moreno, Vicenç Fernández Alarcón, Amaia Lusa García, Manel Mateo Doll, José María Sallán Leyes, 2009, p. 1849-1858.

Saura, M.; Simo, P.; Enache, M. (2009). Estudio exploratorio de los determinantes de la salud y el estrés laboral del profesorado universitario ayudante no doctor, ayudante doctor y colaborador. A: 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/XIII Congreso Ingeniería de Organización. “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización”. Ramón Companys Pascual, Anna Maria Coves Moreno, Vicenç Fernández Alarcón, Amaia Lusa García, Manel Mateo Doll, José María Sallán Leyes, 2009, p. 1828-1838.

Enache, M.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M.; Fernandez, V. (2009). Análisis de la relación entre el éxito subjetivo, el compromiso organizativo y la intención de dejar la organización. A: 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/XIII Congreso Ingeniería de Organización. “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización”. Ramón Companys Pascual, Anna Maria Coves Moreno, Vicenç Fernández Alarcón, Amaia Lusa García, Manel Mateo Doll, José María Sallán Leyes, 2009, p. 542-551.

Simo, P.; Salán, N.; Fernandez, V.; Algaba, I.; Enache, M.; Amante, B.; García-Almiñana, Daniel; Bravo, E.; Albareda-Sambola, M.; Suñe, A.; Rajadell, M.; Serrano, P.; Ardanuy, M. (2009). Integració de vídeos docents de baix cost a ATENEA desenvolupats pel Grup d’Innovació Docent de Terrassa (GIDT). A: I Dia d’Atenea. “Dia d’ATENEA”. 2009, p. 1-16.

Fernandez, V.; Enache, M.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M. (2009). Las tácticas de influencia como factor decisor en la selección de un medio de comunicación en las organizaciones. A: International Conference and Doctoral Consortium: Social responsibility and corporate environment evaluation indicators. “International Conference and Doctoral Consortium of Academy of Management & ISEOR”. 2009, p. 645-655.

Sallan, J.M.; Simo, P.; Fernandez, V.; Enache, M. (2008). Evaluación de las componentes lineales y no lineales de los compromisos organizativos afectivo y de continuidad. A: II International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (IEEM)/ XII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización (CIO). “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización”. Servicio de Publicaciones – Universidad de Burgos, 2008, p. 199-208.

Enache, M.; Simo, P.; Sallan, J.M.; Fernandez, V. (2008). Examining the impact of protean and boundaryless career attitudes upon psychological career success. A: II International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (IEEM)/ XII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización (CIO). “International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management/Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización”. Servicio de Publicaciones – Universidad de Burgos, 2008, p. 1939-1948.

Enache, M.; Fernandez, V.; Sallan, J.M.; Simo, P. (2008). Exploring the relationship between protean and boundaryless career attitudes and organizational commitment. A: International Conference and Doctoral Consortium. “International Conference and Doctoral Consortium of Academy of Management & ISEOR”. ISEOR, 2008, p. 553-569.

Enache, M; Videma, J.M (2007). Enache, M.; Viedma, J.”Achieving professional excellence in the era of the boundaryless careers”, 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, Proceedings of the 8th. Conference on Knowledge Management. pp. 291 – 300.

Teaching awards:

Distinció Vicens Vives (2009). Video streaming: Integració de vídeos docents de baix cost a ATENEA com a nova eina d’ensenyament-aprenentatge per a l’estudiantat d’enginyeria. Equip dirigit per Pep Simo, Nuria Salán, Vicenç Fernández i Inés Algaba. Generalitat de Catalunya. Decret 137/200

12è Premi a la Qualitat en la Docència Universitària (2009). Video streaming: Integració de vídeos docents de baix cost a ATENEA com a nova eina d’ensenyament-aprenentatge per a l’estudiantat d’enginyeria. Project directors: Pep Simo, Nuria Salán, Vicenç Fernández i Inés Algaba. Consell Social de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTech).

Research awards:

Best dissertation and paper conference. III Workshop de la Sección de Estrategia Empresarial de ACEDE. Fernandez, V.; Simo, P.; Enache, M.; Bravo, E.; Amante, B. (2011). Utilización de vídeos de bajo coste como una herramienta docente para incrementar la motivación de los estudiantes. (Granada, España). 10.02.2011.

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