New publications by the team

9 May, 2021

This month has seen two new publications by members of the OnPartDel project come out:

  • Fournier-Tombs, E. & MacKenzie, M. K. 2021. “Big data and democratic speech: Predicting deliberative quality using machine learning techniques.” Methodological Innovations (May): in this paper, the collaboration between DelibAnalysis creator Dr. Eléonore Fournier-Tombs and political theorist Pf. Michael MacKenzie exposes the methodology they have developed to apply the DelibAnalysis tool to the analysis of the discourse quality of speeches in the parliaments of three Canadian regions. Via supervised machine learning, they show the potential for large-scale analysis of deliberation quality through computational tools and offer detailed guidance so as to make their methodological innovation available for other researchers and applicable to other sets of textual data (available here).


  • Terren, L. & Borge-Bravo, R. 2021. “Echo Chambers on Social Media: A Systematic Review of the Literature.” Review of Communication Research 9: 99-118: Pf. Rosa Borge-Bravo and PhD researcher Ludovic Terren take head-on a topic as complex as the “eco-chamber” thesis, which has had wide-ranging implications in the literature on social media communication. Offering an extensive and systematic evaluation of the literature and evidence up to date, the authors find conceptual and methodological differences between the various approaches to test this thesis influence significantly the results obtained, pointing to the need to become aware of the biases involved and suggesting an integrated approach (available here).


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