
KISON researchers present new cybersecurity projects CybersecurityInternetVideos

KISON researchers present new cybersecurity projects

  Two researchers from the IN3’s KISON (K-riptography and Information Security for Open Networks) research group, which studies new technologies for improving people’s security online, presented a couple of their current projects at the UOC’s[…]


IN3, 20 years shaping the future internet – Video

  The Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) is a pioneering research centre specialized in the study of the Internet and the effects of the interaction between digital technologies and human activity. The institute, part of the[…]

Angel Juan: “Algorithms and big data are the future of transport” Big DataCOVID19Data AnalyticsEnvironmentLogisticsVideosWorkshop

Angel Juan: “Algorithms and big data are the future of transport”

  The 2020 Workshop on Sustainable & Intelligent Transportation (2020 SI-Trans Workshop), the official meeting point of the Spanish R&D Network in Sustainable and Intelligent Transport, was held online on the 10 and 11 November.[…]

Big DataGenderHealthSportVideosWorkshop

2020 Workshop on “Sports and Health Analytics Research”

    Currently, there is plenty of research showing the correlation between practicing sports and health. However, using big data and artificial intelligence, this raw data can be transformed into information and knowledge, thus allowing[…]


Ammarantha Wass: the trans-chueca experience of a teacher at the Colombia’s National Pedagogic University

  The IN3 CareNet group (Care and Preparedness in the Network Society)  organized an open seminar on 22nd September under the title: “Ammarantha Wass: Trans-Chueca Experience of a Teacher at the National Pedagogical University (UPN)“.[…]