Platform Economy
GenderInterdisciplinarityInternetPlatform EconomyWomen
On the way to consolidating a feminist economy
The eighth edition of the well-known Congress of Feminist Economics (Congreso de Economía Feminista) will be held in Barcelona from 16 to 18 March 2023. This is a key event for strengthening the ties between[…]
ArticlesGenderPlatform EconomySocial impact
MatchImpulsa: an action research programme to boost the feminist platformization of social economy
By Mayo Fuster Morell and Ricard Espelt, researchers at the IN3’s Dimmons research group, director and coordinator (respectively) of MatchImpulsa and the Barcelona UOC Chair in Digital Economy The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted[…]
COVID19GenderPlatform EconomyWorkshop
The platform economy reinforces gender inequality
With the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen an acceleration of the digitization and “platformization” of the economy. From the beginning, the platform economy has been celebrated as a more open, inclusive and democratic model than[…]