Ammarantha Wass: the trans-chueca experience of a teacher at the Colombia’s National Pedagogic University

12 November, 2020


The IN3 CareNet group (Care and Preparedness in the Network Society)  organized an open seminar on 22nd September under the title: “Ammarantha Wass: Trans-Chueca Experience of a Teacher at the National Pedagogical University (UPN)“. The seminar, given by predoctoral researcher Yennifer Paola Villa Rojas, was focused on her PhD thesis on the life of Rose Ammarantha Wass Suaréz, a blind Colombian trans woman activist, and her trans-chueca (trans-crip) experiences.

Yennifer Paola Villa, professor at the National Pedagogical University (UPN) of Colombia and student of the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Education course, is currently a visiting researcher at the CareNet group. Find out more about her research in this video (in Spanish):



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