Making possible a new generation of technologies for education

Making possible a new generation of technologies for education All itemsEducational trends

Making possible a new generation of technologies for education

In the latests months of 2017, the eLearn Center has intensified its diffusion in the field of technologies that will revolutionize the field of education. Last August, EDUCAUSE, one of the most influential institutions in[…]

Happy International Teachers Day All itemsTeaching resources and experiences

Happy International Teachers Day

From the eLearn Center, we want to thank all the teachers whose labor helps so many people learning and growing every day. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” […]

eLearning and labor market infographics All itemsEducational trends

eLearning and labor market infographics

The new scholar course is coming and we wanted to welcome it with a selection of infographics about some new ways of teaching and the existing relationship between education and the new job landscape perspectives.[…]

eLC Crew Holidays Recommended Reading All itemsEducational trends

eLC Crew Holidays Recommended Reading

It’s summertime and the eLearn Center crew has thought about how to fulfill those spaces in which you would like to read a bit of your favourite topic: e-Learning! We have made a selection of[…]

eLC Monthly Recommendation. July 2017. All itemsEducational trends

eLC Monthly Recommendation. July 2017.

Our summer article recommendation tries to summarize the latest educational and EdTech related informations which can be relevant to e-Learning landscape. How can we humanize online learning, how to implement educational technology and apps in[…]