European Review of DigitalAdministration & Law

17 de julio de 2023

📕 Dos de los miembros del Proyecto Digitapia e IA han publicado recientemente sobre administración pública digital, AI, transición digital y el derecho a una buena administración.

✍ Juli Ponce Solé
Law, Digital Nudging and Manipulation: Dark Patterns, Artificial Intelligence and the Right to Good Administration

✍ Diana Urania Galetta
Digital Transition of Public Administration in Italy and the Right to a Good Administration: Problems and Prospects Also in the Perspective of the Implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan*

Separamos un breve fragmento abajo de la introducción del volumen que quizá sea de tu interés.

Digitalisation and Good Administration Principles

«Digitalisation, algorithms, blockchain, automation, internet of things, metaverse, etc., are terms that have burst into our lives with force in this millennium. However, their use is disparate in the private and public spheres. And this is not accidental, but rather frequent, due to a variety of reasons, including the difficulties of transforming public organisations, the necessary controls, the high cost …

Like any human activity, the administration has been affected by the digitalisation process. Since the end of the 1990s, digitalisation process has been implemented at the level of States, but also within international organisations, such as the European Union. In this respect, digitalisation has been linked to the promotion of New Public Management, contributing to the reinforcement of the efficiency of the administrations. […]».

Texto de Emilie Chevalier and Eva Mª Menéndez Sebastián

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Autor / Autora
Wellington Migliari
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