Recepción, usos y hábitos mediáticos de los nativos digitales en edad preescolar



This text focuses attention on the younger audience group, children of preschoolers, children of what Marc Prensky calls digital natives, a generation that has been born into a ubiquitous, networked society, whose members can create, broadcast and receive digital content at any time and from anywhere.

The specific characteristics of this target audience related to its development process will be defined, since its potential and subjectivity determine the understanding and enjoyment of audiovisual content and its ability to interact with digital media. Habits will be described, also peculiar, because they depend directly on the contextual action of their microsystem.

Your closest environment; the intervention or not the adults. Finally, the chapter will close with a reflection on the urgent need to promote a coherent media literacy process that meets the needs of this group of future digital content producers, an essential requirement for a democratic and critical use of current digital communication systems.

Crescenzi-Lanna, L. (2013). Recepción, usos y hábitos mediáticos de los nativos digitales en edad preescolar. In Figueras, M. & Huertas, A. (Eds.), Audiencias Juveniles: recepción, usos y hábitos mediáticos. InCom-UAB. Barcelona.

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