Conexão Escola-Mundo
2017Espaços inovadores para a formação cidadã
Escola Mundo is a research project on human rights education in digital culture. It starts from the observation of researchers, professors and activists about the increase of intolerance, hate speech and violence in the contemporary world.
The global connection of different cultural contexts, instead of promoting the respectful coexistence of diversity, has become a propitious space for the spread of many forms of violence for which children, young people and adults feel unprepared. It also stems from an annoyance, from an unrealized expectation of the potential for empowering citizens from a context of technological immersion provided by new non-hierarchical and bidirectional forms of communication.
The project has a theoretical-methodological approach that aims to contribute with the field of research in education on methodologies that can result in political action and transformation. A participatory action research design was developed to investigate interventions in the basic school for human rights education, on which results are presented to problematize the research committed to the production of knowledge through the collective experience of media integration from a hacker’s perspective.
- Lapa, A.; Crescenzi-Lanna, L. & Severo Silva, S. (2019). Desafios da pesquisa ativista em educação. Revista Teias, 20(Esp), 7-21.
90.000 €
PI: N. Pretto.
Scientific Coordinator: Adrea Lapa
Ministerio de Educación de Brasil CAPES