Grup de recerca interdisciplinària sobre les TIC

e-Learning i futur del treball

En aquesta línia s’investiga la relació entre l’aprenentatge on-line i els resultats del treball (ocupació, salaris, ocupabilitat). Explorem com interaccionen la formació virtual, les característiques individuals i l’ocupabilitat dels treballadors.

Publicacions recents més destacades:

Ficapal-Cusí, P., Torrent-Sellens, J., Palos-Sánchez, P., González-González, I. (2023). The telework performance dilemma: Exploring the role of trust, social isolation and fatigueInternational Journal of Manpower

Martínez-Cerdà, J.F., Torrent-Sellens, J., González-González, I. (2020). Socio-technical e-learning innovation and ways of learning in the ICT-space-time continuum to improve the employability skills of adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 105753.

Martínez-Cerdá, J. F.; Torrent-Sellens, J.; González-González, I.; Ficapal-Cusí, P. (2018). Opening the Black-Box in Lifelong E-Learning for Employability: A Framework for a Socio-Technical E-Learning Employability System of Measurement (STELEM)Sustainability, 10, 1014.

Martínez-Cerdá, J.-F., Torrent-Sellens, J. (2017). Formal lifelong e-learning for employability and job stability during turbulent times in SpainInternational Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(6), 261-287.

Torrent-Sellens J.; Ficapal-Cusí P.; Boada-Grau J. (2016). Dispositional employability and online training purchase. Evidence from employees’ behavior in SpainFrontiers in Psychology, 7, 831.

Jiménez-Zarco; A.I., González-González, I., Saigí-Rubio, F., Torrent-Sellens, J. (2015). The Co-learning process in Healthcare Professionals: Assessing User Satisfaction in Virtual Communities of Practice. Computers in Human Behaviour, 51(B), 1303-1313.

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