UNICEF warns of a children generation deprived of schooling in Middle East
14 September, 2015Around the world millions of children are living violent conflicts leaving them both physical and psychological scars. In this context, attending to school is no longer a viable option, condemning their future opportunities and the chances of their entire nation. A recent report by UNICEF provides a new vision on Middle East and North Africa wars focusing on its impact on children’s education. According to UNICEF, today more than 13 million children, 40 percent of the affected areas’ school aged population, are not going to school due to violent conflicts in the region. This scenario differs from the situation the region held a few short years ago in which the goal of universal education was well within reach.
As a response to this situation several initiatives have been launched by United Nations, non-governmental organizations and international donors. Some of these programs are the No Lost Generation Initiative or the Back to-learning Campaigns, focused on establishing schools where children can catch up on classes they missed or distributing education supplies. Also, e-learning tools are permitting children to study without having to travel and exposing themselves to dangerous situations. Actions on promoting schooling are essential because the hopes and chances of a generation are at stake.