A Call for Drastic Changes in Educating New Lawyers

11 February, 2013

GavelThe legal system has always been the least flexible pilar of our society´s institutions;  the very nature of conservatism was supposed to secure order, stability and continuity. That’s why proposal made by the  Task Force on the Future of Legal Education of the  American Bar Association last week has come as a surprise for many:
licencing legal technicians, cutting the curriculum to 2 years, requirement for practical training for students – and, eventually, real-world experience for faculty, global exposure.

“There’s a time for incremental change and a time for bold change.
This is the time for bold change.”

– Paula Littlewood, a task force member and the executive director of the Washington State Bar Association

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Image by | SalFalko under CreativeCommons License By-NC 2.0


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Juan José Blanco29 May, 2014 at 5:37 pm

A mi me parece una doctrina francamente peligrosa. Las leyes deben tener una vocación de permanencia en el tiempo que permita a los ciudadanos un conocimiento cabal de las mismas. Los continuos cambios legislativos hacen que las personas que no son profesionales del derecho acaben teniendo un completo despiste respecto de lo que se puede o no se puede hacer.

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