IITE-UNESCO asks professionals to make their voice heard in a project on the future of education
13 July, 2015The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) is implementing the project Access, Equity and Quality: Envisioning the Sustainable Future of Postsecondary Education in a Digital Age, in collaboration with UNESCO Headquarters. The project aims at determining the future agenda in ICT in postsecondary education and contributing to shaping education policies based on research and foresight studies.
Within the research methods used in the project, IITE is asking higher education professionals to answer a survey.
Professors, researchers and managers are invited to fill in the questionnaire, with the deadline set on Monday 28th September, 2015. The survey deals with the issues of validation and credentialing of learning results and open educational resources; curriculum and institutional change and teacher development.To deliver consisten results, the project will apply other research methods such as virtual panels of policy makers and experts; mapping and assessment of major relevant trends; analysis/generalization of the results of the panel/survey; feedback from UNESCO Chairs, etc.