New Perspectives in Tourism & Leisure


  • González-Reverté, F., & Soliguer-Guix, A. (2024). The social construction of anti-tourism protest in tourist cities: a case study of Barcelona. International Journal Of Tourism Cities.
  • Araujo-Batlle, A., Garay-Tamajón, L., Morales-Pérez, S. (2023). Selfies versus conservation: The influence of user-generated content in the image of protected natural spaces. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism,
  • Garay-Tamajón, L., & Morales-Pérez, S. (2023). “Belong anywhere”: Focusing on authenticity and the role of Airbnb in the projected destination imatge. International Journal of Tourism Research, 25 (1), 63-78.
  • Gassiot Riu, C., & Wilson, J. (2023). Expanded travel: using creative capital and ICT to extend the temporal boundaries of tourism experiences. Current Issues In Tourism, 1-18.
  • González-Reverté, F. (2023). Space, identity and festivals. Spatial empowerment and the construction of identity discourses through the lens of heritage festival organizers. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 18(6), 807-827.
  • González-Reverté, F., Gomis-López, J. M., & Díaz-Luque, P. (2023) Airbnb as a hotel competitor in touristified cities. Perceptions among upscale hoteliers in Barcelona. Tourism Geographies, 25(4).
  • James, L., Halkier, H., Sánz-Ibáñez, C., & Wilson, J. (2023). Advancing evolutionary economic geographies of tourism: trigger events, transformative moments and destination path shaping. Tourism Geographies, 1-14.
  • Milano, C. González-Reverté, A., & Benet, A. (2023). The social construction of touristification. Residents’ perspectives on mobilities and moorings. Tourism Geographies, 25(4).
  • Corrons-Giménez, A. (2022). 25 anys d’evolució responsable cap a la sostenibilitat. Oikonomics, 17.
  • Díaz-Luque, P., Garay-Tamajón, L., Gomis-López, J.M., González-Reverte, F., Morales-Pérez, S., & Wilson, J. (2022). El turisme davant el repte de la transformació. Oikonomics, 17.
  • Fischer, S. L., & Roelofsen, M. (2022). Accommodating guests during pandemic times: a case-study of the Airbnb Host Community in Aarhus, Denmark. Journal of Tourism Futures, (ahead-of-print).
  • Garay-Tamajón, L., & Morales-Pérez, S. (2022). Narrativas de seducción: Airbnb y la construcción de las imágenes de los destinos turísticos. Cuadernos de Turismo, (49), 29-50.
  • Garay-Tamajón, L., Lladós-Masllorens, J., Meseguer-Artola, A., & Morales-Pérez, S. (2022). Analyzing the influence of short-term rental platforms on housing affordability in global urban destination neighborhoods. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 22(4), 444-461.
  • García, O,. & Garay-Tamajón, L. (2022). Introducing sense of place narratives in imatge projection for marine destinations. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 40.
  • González-Reverté, F. (2022). The Perception of Overtourism in Urban Destinations. Empirical Evidence based on Residents’ Emotional Response.Tourism Planning & Development, 19(5), 451-477.
  • González-Reverté, F., & Soliguer-Guix, A. (2022). Tourismification narratives and the ‘Transformative turn’in tourism. An analysis derived from the Spanish press debate on the Barcelona tourism model. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 25(5), 1324–1343.
  • González-Reverté, F., Gomis-López, J. M., & Díaz-Luque, P. (2022) Airbnb as a hotel competitor in touristified cities. Perceptions among upscale hoteliers in Barcelona. Tourism Geographies.
  • González-Reverté, F., Gomis-López, J.M., & Díaz-Luque, P. (2022), “Reset or temporary break? Attitudinal change, risk perception and future travel intention in tourists Experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic”, Journal of Tourism Futures, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Martínez-Argüelles, M. J., & Gomis-López, J. M. (2022). 25 anys d’Estudis d’Economia i Empresa a la UOC: reflexions en clau de futur, més enllà de la universitat. Oikonomics, 17.
  • Milano, C. González-Reverté, A., & Benet, A. (2022). The social construction of touristification. Residents’ perspectives on mobilities and moorings. Tourism Geographies.
  • Morales-Pérez, S., Garay-Tamajón, L., Corrons-Giménez, A., & Pacheco-Bernal, C. (2022). The antecedents of entrepreneurial behaviour in the creation of platform economy initiatives: An analysis based on the decomposed theory of planned behaviour. Heliyon, 8(10).
  • Orea-Giner, A., González-Reverté, F., & Fuentes-Moraleda, L. (2022), Impacts of a health crisis on music festivals: a qualitative approach, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 13(2), 125-143.
  • Roelofsen, M., & Carter‐White, R. (2022). Virtual reality as a spatial prompt in geography learning and teaching. Geographical Research60(4), 625–636.
  • Rovira, M., Garay-Tamajón, L., Górriz-Mifsud, E., & Bonet, J.A. (2022). Territorial Marketing Based on Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) to Enhance Sustainable Tourism in Rural Areas: A Literature Review. Forests 13(8), 1231.
  • Garay-Tamajón, L. (2021). Noves estratègies i dimensions alternatives de l’economia de plataforma. Propostes de transició de l’EP cap a la sostenibilitat. Oikonomics, 15.
  • Minca, C., & Roelofsen, M. (2021). Becoming Airbnbeings : on datafication and the quantified Self in tourism. Tourism Geographies23(4), 743–764.
  • Palou-Vives, M. B., Morales-Pérez, S., Núñez-Mosteo, F., & Ruiz-Mallén, I. (2021). Compromís ètic i global. Una experiència de formació en línia del professorat per facilitar la incorporació dels ODS i la perspectiva de gènere en la docència universitària. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI),
  • Puig-Gómez, A., Torrent-Sellens, J., & Corrons-Giménez, A. (2021). Desenvolupament sostenible i ODS. Oikonomics,
  • Roelofsen, M., & Minca, C. (2021). Alojamientos desinfectados y cuerpos sanos: reflexiones sobre la respuesta de Airbnb a la pandemia. Oikonomics, 15, 1–10.
  • Roelofsen, M., & Minca, C. (2021). Sanitised homes and healthy bodies: reflections on Airbnb’s response to the Pandemic. Oikonomics15
  • Wilson, J., Garay-Tamajón, L., & Morales-Pérez, S. (2021). Politicising platform-mediated tourism rentals in the digital sphere: Airbnb in Madrid and Barcelona. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30(5), 1080-1101.
  • Garay-Tamajón, L., & Morales-Pérez, S. (2020). User engagement in festival virtual brand communities: The Cases of Sónar And Primavera Sound (Barcelona). Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 44(2).
  • Garay-Tamajón, L., Morales-Pérez, S., & Wilson, J. (2020). Tweeting the right to the city: digital protest and resistance surrounding the Airbnb effect. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 20(3), 246-267.
  • Gomis-López, J. M., & González-Reverte, F. (2020). Smart Tourism Sustainability Narratives in Mature Beach Destinations. Contrasting the Collective Imaginary with Reality. Sustainability, 12(12),5083.
  • Gyimóthy, S., Morales Pérez, S., Widtfeldt Meged, J., & Wilson, J. (2020). Editorial: Contested Spaces in the Sharing Economy. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 20(3), 205-211.
  • Mateos, M., Morales-Perez, S., & Engel, E. (2020). Nanotechnology Approaches in Chronic Wound Healing. Advances in Wound Care.
  • Morales-Pérez, S., Garay-Tamajón, L., & Troyano, X. (2020). Beyond the big touristic city: nature and distribution of Airbnb in regional destinations in Catalonia (Spain). Current Issues in Tourism 25(20), 3381-3394.
  • Morales-Pérez, S., Garay-Tamajón, L., & Wilson, J. (2020). Airbnb’s contribution to socio-spatial inequalities and geographies of resistance in Barcelona. Tourism Geographies, 24(6-7), 978-1001. Publicado online: 24 Jul 2020.
  • Torrent-Sellens, J., Garay-Tamajón, L., & Martínez, M. J. (2020). Economia col·laborativa: mites i realitats d’un concepte transformador. Oikonomics, November(14).
  • Bonilla, R., Perea, E., del Olmo, J. L., & Corrons-Giménez, A. (2019). Insights into user engagement on social media. Case study of a higher education institution. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 30(1), 145-160.
  • Corrons-Giménez, A. (2019). ¿Es la tecnología blockchain compatible con la Economía Social y Solidaria? Hacia un nuevo paradigma. CIRIEC – Revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, 95/2019, 191-215.
  • Corrons-Giménez, A., & Garay-Tamajón, L. (2019). Analysis of the third-order structuring of Shalom Schwartz’s theory of Basic Human Values. Heliyon, 5(6), e01797.
  • Corrons-Giménez, A., & Garay-Tamajón, L. (2019). An Analysis of the Process of Adopting Local Digital Currencies in Support of Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 11(3), 849.
  • Garay-Tamajón, L. (2019). #Visitspain. Breaking down affective and cognitive attributes in the social media construction of the tourist destination image. Tourism Management Perspectives, 32, en premsa.
  • Garay-Tamajón, L., & Morales-Pérez, S. (2019). Decomposing and relating user engagement in festivals’ virtual brand communities: An analysis of Sónar’s Twitter and Facebook. Tourist Studies 20(1).
  • Garay-Tamajón, L., Font, X., & Corrons-Giménez, A. (2019). Sustainability-oriented innovation in tourism: an analysis based on the decomposed theory of planned behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 58(4), 622–636. En premsa.
  • González-Reverté, F. (2019). La producció d’esdeveniments a les ciutats com a estratègia per al desenvolupament local i urbà. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 87(87), 35-48.
  • González-Reverté, F. (2019). Building Sustainable Smart Destinations: An Approach Based on the Development of Spanish Smart Tourism Plans. Sustainability, 11(23), 6874.
  • González-Reverté, F., & Blay-Boqué, J. (2019). La atracción migratoria de las ciudades turísticas y la transformación del sistema urbano litoral mediterráneo español. Un análisis a escala local del período 1991 a 2011. Revista de estudiós regionales, 114, 71-100.
  • González-Reverté, F., & Miralbell-Izard, O. (2019). Guía de gestión pública del turismo.
  • Mercade, P., Molina, J., & Garay-Tamajón, L. (2019). To Green or Not to Green: The Influence of Green Marketing on Consumer Behaviour in the Hotel Industry. Sustainability, 11(17), 4623.
  • González-Reverte, F., Díaz-Luque, P., Gomis-López, J. M., & Morales-Pérez, S. (2018). Tourists’ Risk Perception and the Use of Mobile Devices in Beach Tourism Destinations. Sustainablity, 10(2), 413.
  • Garay-Tamajón, L., Gomis-López, J. M., & González-Reverte, F. (2018). El valor de la sostenibilidad como factor de diferenciación en los procesos de intermediación turística: un análisis para el caso de las pymes catalanes. Cuadernos de Turismo, 41(Enero-Junio).
  • González-Reverte, F., Díaz-Luque, P., Gomis-López, J. M., & Morales-Pérez, S. (2018). Reflexiones sobre la percepción de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes españoles por parte de los actores turísticos. Ara: Revista de Investigación en Turismo, 8(1), 21-35.
  • Morales-Pérez, S., & Pacheco, C. (2018). Quan la música cessa: El paper dels festivals culturals en la Creació d’espai urbà. Documents d’Anàlisi Geográfica, 64(2).
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