Transdisciplinary research on contemporary social challenges

Accounts and reflections on online teaching: a dialogue between Brazil and Spain

The publisher Cegraf of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) in Brazil published the book “Accounts and reflections on online teaching: a dialogue between Brazil and Spain”, organized by Dr. Inés Martins (UOC) and Dr. Juliana Guimâraes Faria (UFG). This book addresses the reflections, experiences, and dialogues that involve distance education and human formation in the context of different languages and processes, from design, technologies, sign language, politics, and arts, in the university and academic sphere.

The publication is the result of a dialogue with different research groups and researchers, both national and international, with an interdisciplinary perspective. Researchers from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), University of Barcelona (UB), International University Center of Barcelona (UNIBA/UB), Ramón Llul University (URL)-La Salle, Federal University of Goiás (UFG), State University of Goiás (UEG), Goiás University Center (UniGoias), Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Municipal Education Secretariat of Campo Grande/MS (SEMED), and Federal Institute Goiano (IF-Goiano) have collaborated. From the UOC, we count on the collaboration of the researchers Amalia Creus, Adriana Ornellas, Isamélia Santos Guimarāes, Inés Martins from the NODES group, and Silvia Sivera Bello from the GAME group.

The book is divided into three parts: the first one deals with the different policies, management, and implementation of pedagogical practices and methodologies of distance education. The second part focuses on training and teaching practices, while the third part focuses on various learning experiences in virtual environments.

Overall, “Accounts and reflections on online teaching: a dialogue between Brazil and Spain” offers a perspicacious perspective on the challenges and opportunities of online education, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis and reflection of the book contribute to the development of more effective and innovative practices in online education.

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