Iviane Ramos de Luna
Lecturer in Marketing
Iviane Ramos de Luna has particular research interests in m-commerce, mobile payments, digital marketing and consumer behaviour.
Dr Iviane Ramos de Luna is a professor of Marketing and Market Research at the UOC, where she teaches courses on digital marketing, market sensing, digital technologies and change management for bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. In 2019, she obtained the official accreditations as Private University Professor, and as Contracted Doctor Professor, by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA) and, in 2018, the accreditation as Lecturer by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU).
She holds a Doctoral Degree in Economics and Business Sciences with International Recognition from the University of Granada (2017), Spain, a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, also from the University of Granada (2012), and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business from CESED – Higher Education and Development Center in Brazil (2009). She has undertaken a visiting scholarship as a doctoral researcher at the Postdam University in Germany (2015).
Dr Ramos de Luna’s research interests lie at the intersection of new technologies adoption and consumer behaviour and include digital transformation and sharing economy. She is an active member of the UOC’s Digital Business Research Group – accredited as a Consolidated Research Group by the Catalan Government (2017-SGR-368) –, collaborates with the Business Management Research Group of State University of Paraíba (UEPB), Brazil, and participates in a number of competitive research projects, funded by Spanish institutions. She was the recipient of a doctoral scholarship from the Brazilian government (2013-2017).
Her research has been presented at international conferences (AEMARK, EMAC, International Scientific Conference, Convibra, etc.) and has been published in research books and in JCR and Scopus indexed journals (Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, etc.). Furthermore, she regularly acts as an external reviewer for international journals in her areas of expertise.
Areas of interest for doctoral supervision
Digital marketing and consumer behaviour: technology adoption, digital transformation, e-commerce, m-commerce, mobile payments, sharing economy.