VI International Seminar on Open Social Learning (V): The Role of Open Educational Resources in Personal Learning

OpenEd & OER

VI International Seminar on Open Social Learning (V): The Role of Open Educational Resources in Personal Learning

VI International Seminar of the UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning The Role of Open Educational Resources in Personal Learning. Stephen Downes. Senior Resercher for the National Research Council of Canada. Notes from the Open Social[…]

OpenEd & OER

VI International Seminar on Open Social Learning (III): Code, Community and Commerce for Open Social Learning

VI International Seminar of the UNESCO Chair in e-Learning Code, Community and Commerce for OSL. Joel Greenberg, Technical Director, SocialLearn Project, The Open University, UK Notes from the the Open Social Learning, organized by UOC[…]

OpenEd & OER

VI International Seminar on Open Social Learning (II): Facebook project, an embodiment of edupunk at a public university

VI International Seminar of the UNESCO Chair in e-Learning The Facebook Project. Edupunk and the redesign of power/knowledge relations in a public university setting. Alejandro Piscitelli, Former CEO of, education portal of Argentina. Professor[…]

Sin categoría

VI International Seminar on Open Social Learning (I): Socializing Open Learning

VI International Seminar of the UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning Connectivism: Socializing Open Learning. George Siemens, Associate Director of the Learning Technologies Center. Manitoba University. Canada. Notes from the Open Social Learning, organized by UOC[…]

Sin categoría

UNESCO Chair International Seminar 2009

‘Open Social Learning’ The VI International Seminar organized by the UOC-UNESCO Chair was held in Barcelona, Spain, on November 30th and December 1st 2009. To mark the end of the 2009 as the European Year[…]

OpenEd & OER

Open Social Learning at the VI International Seminar

  Open Social Learning will be the focus of the UOC UNESCO chair in e-Learning VI International Seminar, that will take place in Barcelona on November 30 and December 1 2009.This year, as part of[…]

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UNESCO Chair International Seminar 2008

‘Fighting the Digital Divide through Education’ The Chair’s V Seminar was held 12-14 November 2008 in Barcelona. It was focused on analyzing the different factors that can help overcome the so-called digital divide. Among other[…]

Education Worldwide

UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning | Fifth International Seminar – Reflections & Conclusions

Notes from the UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning Fifth International Seminar. Fighting the Digital Divide through Education)
Reflections & Conclusions

The real fact of the digital divide

Multiple factors
Many different (digital) divides, in relationship to context: culture, geography, education, wealth
Where to start? Many and different approaches

Importance of the “digital” issue

The “digital” embedded in the socioeconomic divide
The “digital” embedded […]

OpenEd & OER

UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning | Fifth International Seminar – Linda Roberts: Curriki

Notes from the UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning Fifth International Seminar. Fighting the Digital Divide through Education)
CurrikiLinda Roberts, Curriki
The way we make progress, is doing things: the power of taking risks, and not being satisfied with small successes.
A change of paradigm: the Participation Age. This is why global connectivity, global access, the global network come […]

Education Worldwide

UOC UNESCO Chair in Elearning | Fifth International Seminar – Sugata Mitra: Hole in the Wall

Notes from the UOC UNESCO Chair in e-Learning Fifth International Seminar. Fighting the Digital Divide through Education)
Hole in the WallSugata Mitra, Newcastle University
Strong correlation between school performance and geographical distance from Delhi, the capital: the longer the distance, the lower the performance. Teachers from rural areas, indeed, do want to move to Delhi or closer […]