Internet access: a universal right
Internet access: a universal right
These days of lockdown have highlighted the prominence of a technology that was being transparent to the majority of the population that uses it daily. However this prominence has shown that for other people this[…]
UNESCO Chair International Seminar 2019
‘Hi, it’s Alexa: What Do You Want to Learn?’ – Teaching Robots or Robot Teachers? UNESCO Chair’s XV International Seminar was held on December the 12th 2019. The main topic was Artificial Intelligence and its[…]
Càtedra UNESCO International Seminar 2019
Seminari Internacional de la Càtedra UNESCO en Educació Tecnologia per al Canvi Social 2019 Barcelona, 12 de novembre de 2019 “Hola, sóc Alexa: què vols aprendre?”: Robots docents o docents robots? La intel·ligència artificial ha[…]
Càtedra UNESCO International Seminar 2018
This post has been translated from the original which can be consulted here. On the 12th November 2018, the UOC UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change hosted the Annual International Seminar at[…]
Online Learning in Latin America
Prof. Albert Sangrà, participated as a guestspeaker in Uninorte, Colombia (18th – 22nd March 2019). The conference focused on the ongoing debate surrounding online learning (OL) and how it is evolving in Latin America. Despite[…]
UNESCO Chair International Seminar 2018
‘Lifelong Learning: How Does Our Society Learn?’ On November 12th 2018, the XIV International Seminar organized by the UNESCO Chair in Education and Technology for Social Change was held at the Col·legi d’Agents Comercials of[…]
CODUR presented at EDEN and CIDUI conferences
Prof. Albert Sangrà, coordinator of the CODUR project and Director of the UNESCO Chair for Education and Technology for Social Change, and members of the team Montse Guitert and Juliana Raffaghelli attended the European Distance[…]
CODUR presented at the African Council for Distance Education
Following the invitation of the Executive Board of the African Council for Distance Education, the coordinator of the CODUR project and Director of the UNESCO Chair for Education and Technology for Soial Change, Prof. Albert[…]
International Seminar on Evidence-based research: methodological approaches and practical outcomes. Insights for Online Education
Presentations Last November, 21 and 22, the International Seminar on“Evidence-based research: methodological approaches and practical outcomes. Insights for Online Education” was held in Barcelona. The international speakers invited shared their different perspectives on the topic,[…]
UNESCO Chair International Seminar 2017
‘Evidence-based Research: Methodological Approaches and Practical Outcomes. Insights for Online Education’ The Chair’s XIII International Seminar was held the 21st and 22nd November 2017, and adressed the relationship between Sustainable Development and Education, as stated[…]