“Talks on Obedience” Conversations at La Documenta and Amics de les Arts i Joventuts musicals de Terrassa.

15 September, 2020

From September 2020 to February 2021 will be held the “Talks on Obedience” which will address very interesting and complex topics by various academics and experts on the subject. We share the program and invite you to attend.

L’OBEDIÈNCIA. Programa del cicle xerrades

Responsible: Francesc Núñez, director of the UOC’s Master’s in Humanities and member of MEDUSA.

Organized by: Master in Humanities: Contemporary Art, Literature and Culture and Master in Philosophy for Contemporary Challenges. UOC Arts and Humanities Studies.

Collaboration: Llibreria Documenta (Carrer de Pau Claris, 144) and Amics de les Arts i Joventuts musicals de Terrassa (Carrer de Sant Pere, 46 / Carrer del Teatre, 2)

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