Genders in Transition: Masculinities, Affects, and Bodies

Mónica Cano Abadía

Mónica Cano Abadía is a Doctor in Philosophical Studies from the University of Zaragoza with a doctoral thesis on Judith Butler and the possibilities of social transformation. In addition, she has done advanced studies with Rosi Braidotti at the Posthuman Ethics in the Anthropocene Summer School and at the Deleuze and Fascism seminar (University of Utrecth, Netherlands), with Judith Butler in the course The Critique of Violence Now, and with Achille Mbembe in the Life Futures course of the European Graduate School.

She has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Advanced Southeast European Studies (University of Rijeka, Croatia) and at the Political Philosophy Section of the Institute of Philosophy (University of Graz, Austria).

She has written numerous research articles in which she intertwines the Butlerian perspective with critical posthumanisms and new feminist materialisms. Recently, she has co-edited the special issue “‘ Vulnerability ’in Contemporary Feminist Theory” of Redescriptions magazine with Tuija Pulkkinen, and is one of the editors of the issue “Feminist Responses to Populist Politics” in The European Journal of English Studies.

She is one of the organizers of the International Seminar on Posthumanisms and New Materialisms at the University of Zaragoza. She has been part of the research project Justice, citizenship and vulnerability: Narratives of precariousness and intersectional approaches (University of La Laguna).

She currently teaches at the Master of Gender Studies (University of Graz) and works as an expert in bioethics at the Research Infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC (a biobank of biomedical and biomolecular resources). As part of BBMRI-ERIC, she works on the EOSC-Life project, which aims to create an open and collaborative digital space for biological and medical research.

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