EFI and EFE Matrix: Strategic tools for evaluating business performance

19 de February de 2024

In the dynamic world of business, it is essential to have effective tools to evaluate and enhance a company’s performance. Two of these key tools are the EFI Matrix (Effort, Internal Factors) and the EFE Matrix (Effort, External Factors). In this article, we will delve deeply into both matrices and how they can be applied in business management to gain competitive advantages.

EFI Matrix: Evaluating Internal Factors

The EFI Matrix is an analytical tool that focuses on a company’s internal factors. These factors encompass resources, capabilities, and internal attributes that influence competitiveness and organizational performance.

Steps to Construct an EFI Matrix:

  1. Identification of Key Factors: Key internal factors that significantly impact a company’s performance must be identified. These may include strengths and weaknesses in areas such as human resources, technology, internal processes, etc.
  2. Assignment of Scores: Each identified factor is assessed and assigned a score, which can be numerical (for example, on a scale of 1 to 5) or qualitative (such as “strong,” “moderate,” “weak”).
  3. Weighting of Factors: Weights are assigned to each factor to reflect its relative importance to the company’s success. More critical factors receive higher weights.
  4. Multiplication and Summation: The score assigned to each factor is multiplied by its corresponding weight, and these products are summed to obtain the company’s total score in the EFI Matrix.

EFE Matrix: Analyzing External Factors

The EFE Matrix is a tool that assesses external factors that may affect a company. These factors can include market trends, government regulations, economic conditions, among others.

Steps to Construct an EFE Matrix:

  1. Identification of Relevant External Factors: External factors that can influence the company’s performance must be identified. These can be opportunities or threats in the business environment.
  2. Assignment of Scores: Similar to the EFI Matrix, scores are assigned to each identified external factor.
  3. Weighting of External Factors: Weights are allocated to external factors to reflect their importance to the company’s success.
  4. Multiplication and Summation: The scores assigned to each factor are multiplied by their respective weights and then summed to obtain the company’s total score in the EFE Matrix.

Practical Application of EFI and EFE Matrices

Once both matrices are constructed, valuable insights into the company’s strategic position can be gained. Areas of strength that should be leveraged and areas of weakness that require attention can be identified. Additionally, by comparing the total scores in both matrices, the alignment between internal and external factors can be evaluated.


The EFI Matrix and the EFE Matrix are fundamental tools in strategic management. By providing a detailed view of the internal and external factors that influence performance, these matrices enable business leaders to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies. By integrating these tools into the decision-making process, companies can enhance their competitiveness and position themselves for success in an ever-changing business environment.

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